Graves raised one eyebrow at Rafael. Seemed he was surprised Rafael had told her about that. Not that Rafael had told her much. Rafael gave him a “deal with it” shrug.

“Numbers...” she mused. “I don’t really see why you got named that. But Cobra is definitely apt. Though a more accurate name would be the raw material of deadliness. Like Venom.”

This time Graves guffawed. “You’re definitely keeping her.”

Rafael’s smile widened before it faded gradually. “Now, apologize to Eliana or I’ll break my other hand and your jaw this time.”

Ignoring him, Graves fixed his gaze on her, his British accent deepening. “He talks big, even when he knows he’s in one piece because I have this inexplicable fondness for him. That said, and knowing that I’m doing this out of my deeply buried gentlemanly tendencies, I do apologize. If only for...”

She raised both hands. “Stop. Quit while you’re ahead.”

Rafael gathered her to him. “Is he forgiven?”

A harrumph. “On probation.”

He chuckled and devoured her lips. She smiled against his lips at Graves’s vocal disgust.

After Rafael released her reluctantly, she kissed his splint, then each finger. “No more breaking anything for me, okay?”

His head shake was adamant. “No promises.”

Sighing her frustration at his terminal machismo, she looked between him and Graves. “At least no more fights between you two because of me, hear?”

Richard bowed in mock deference. “I’ll do whatever it takes to keep your boy toy in optimum working condition.”

And she laughed. That daunting dude had a sense of humor after all. She might even end up liking him.

Jumping up, she looked between the two men. “If you’re good tycoons, I’ll invite you to eat my magical seafood medley. You even get to help prepare it.”

Rafael sprang to his feet. “I’m very, very good.”

“I’m very, very nauseous” was Graves’s contribution.

She and Rafael laughed, then headed to her kitchen. Muttering what sounded like paint-peeling expletives, Graves followed.

* * *

The evening turned out to be an unqualified success.

Eliana was the perfect hostess. She orchestrated all the details with ease and efficiency and handled them, men the world bowed to, with utmost confidence and grace. Richard miraculously kept his snark to a minimum, even followed her lead as she made them her sous-chefs while preparing the seafood medley, which did turn out to be magical.

Time flowed over and after dinner as they cleaned up then adjourned to her living room to drink hot yerba maté, eat cocadas—a traditional coconut confection—chat and verbally duel. Eliana held her own with Richard like no one he’d ever seen. Then, nestling into him on the couch, she started yawning.

Kissing her forehead, he gestured to Richard, who rose to his feet at once.

As he made to follow, she clung to him. “Stay.”

His blood hurtled through his veins with temptation. “You need to sleep.”

She rubbed her sleepy face into his neck, burning him wherever she touched. “I need to sleep with you.”

“Tomorrow. I’ll come alone.”

She looked across at Richard. “You can go home on your own, right, Graves?”

“It’s Rafael who can’t. I have to tuck him in.”

“Should have known you’d be no help.” She clung to Rafael’s neck. “At least carry me to bed.”