Tits high, nipples hard as fucking diamonds… Simin would never get enough of the view.

Half-lidded eyes met his.

Lips caught up in a lascivious grin, he trailed his fingers between her breasts, purring, “I would have done anything to have you this way. Killed anyone, forsaken my name…”

A pleased sound came from the girl who could not know of what he spoke.

“I know I’m older, that I lack the beauty of my brothers, or the righteousness of a male worthy of you. It matters not. In a few moments I’m going to steal back the missing half of my spirit and give you what I have carried in my chest from birth. You’ll have my heart. I’ll have your soul.”

The thrum of a building climax sparked up Simin’s spine, sending him to buck upward and almost unseat his prize. Unwilling to be thrown, Morgaine’s cunt seized about his throbbing mass, gripping what was hers as the little Omega rocked her clit against the thumb he offered to appease her.

High on her scent, the warmth of enticing slick dripping down his hips, coating his sack in shined seepage, was delicious. The feel of her skin under his gripping palms right in every way.

Watching her excitement build, the flush creeping over semen-crusted skin, evoked a powerful response from his restless spirit. It was time. Simin’s knot began to expand before she was ready, because an Omega could not be bonded unless subdued.

He wanted her wild when he set his teeth to her breast. She had to fight to seal the connection.

Bouncing her up and down his budding knot, pushing the woman past pleasure and into the dangerous territory of delirium, that rush came over him. He sat up, lap full of female. Wrapping his arms around her back he took that long hair in hand, yanked back her head to present those jiggling tits, and set his teeth to the inside of her left breast. Right over her beating heart.

Jaw clamping shut, he set her pleasure into a spinning release that distracted just long enough for her body to register the pain too late.

She struck out, clawing at his back. And so began the budding throb of a pair-bond.

Blood streamed down sweat-slicked skin, bubbling from the corners of his mouth when Simin refused to release her at the first cry. There was an art to the formation of permanent union, one no Alpha had to be taught. Stealing the soul of one’s beloved and replacing it with their own was a birth-given right.

The link thrummed to life.

No matter how she wailed in pain, her cunt still rippled and gripped his knot. It still sucked the seed straight from his sack and urged him to offer up more. And this knot—this glorious moment that tied them together for life—he would assure it lasted the remainder of the night.

When she woke, it would be in pain. But as he’d sworn, he would only hurt Morgaine for her pleasure. The inevitable tears he would soothe with a soft touch and a dedicated purr. He’d feed his cock down her throat so she wouldn’t hunger. He’d lick her sweet cunt until she remembered she could trust him again.

And then, when he broke her heat, he’d tell her that he had her mother on board.

His first gift to his pair-bonded mate.

For he knew what Morgaine desired most in the world and would deny her nothing.


There was a murmur like a constant resonate hum within her heart, but it made no sound.

So how could it feel so loud?

Wrapping her in warmth, it washed through sore muscles and exhausted flesh, promising that all was exactly how it should be. For the first time since she’d been taken from her people, Morgaine felt secure.


And very, very thirsty.

“Drink.” A cup was held to her lips, cool water dribbled into her mouth until she swallowed and sighed.

A masculine purr rumbled into her body, in tune with that bizarre thrum. Cracking open an eye, she found that Simin braced her against his shoulder. Several days’ worth of beard shadowed his jaw. He looked drawn, but his eyes were alive with pleasure.

Pressing the cup back to her mouth, a gruff accent sharpening the soft roll of her language. “Drink again.”

Helping him manage the cup, she tipped it back and gulped everything offered, a shadowy memory of swallowing great quantities of something else teasing at her thoughts. Suddenly shy, aware she was naked in the confines of soft blankets and appealing pillows, Morgaine remembered.

This was her nest. She had built it while he had pleasured her with his hands and mouth… and cock.