The way his eyes ate her up, victorious and greedy, was nothing to his ravenous words. “Spread your legs for me and I will lick your sweet little cunt. Give me a taste and I’ll let you come.”

Morgaine shrieked when his fingers began to travel downward. “Stop!”

“Then you will touch me.” Too rough, he forced her flared fingers down his torso until that hard, prodding growth he’d been smashing against her belly was flush to her palm. He closed her fingers around his erection and forced them up and down. On it went, the man making filthy groans, using her hand for his pleasure. “You feel that hard Alpha cock? You want to feel it throbbing inside you?”

Even with the fabric between them, Morgaine could feel the shape of his organ and thought she might retch. “I don’t want to. Let go of me, you savage.”

“Yes, you do. I can smell it.” The man ignored her complaints, her flailing, and the tears, answering instead with a roar. Rocking his hips into her hand, the fabric under her palm grew wet. The male drew his lips back from his teeth, hissing.

He brought those teeth to her shoulder, growled like a feral wolf, and was just about to bite the terrified woman before a voice boomed from across the room. “That is enough, Corporal Esin. Step away from the Omega. Now.”

Her assailant froze, not in fear, but in anger. Morgaine could see it in Esin’s eyes, the thoughts of outright challenge, the temptation to violence at the intrusion.

More hot fluid splashed against her hand, having soaked through to drip and squish between her fingers.

Sergeant Uriel barked a reminder when it seemed Esin refused to obey. “Your claim would be forfeit should you break code. Collect yourself and heed orders.”

Esin took a deep, unsteady breath. Looking down between their bodies, he luxuriated in the sight of her trapped hand on his dick and let out a groan. “May I rub it into her skin?”

What? Morgaine shook her head no, but the question had not been for her.

“You may not.”

Capitulating, Esin gave Morgaine a lusty onceover before daring to press a kiss to her forehead. “Next time I will get my taste.” He released her wrist, stepped back, and reluctantly obeyed his superior. “My apologies, Sergeant. She just smells so good.”

With one last, expectant smile, Esin picked up the discarded towel and walked away.

Chapter 5

When the wall opened, Esin retreated, and then the blasted thing grew whole as if no passage had ever existed. The smooth surface was back... smooth as glass. In fact, Morgaine could see her stricken, bared reflection in it—damp hair stuck to her skin, breasts flushed, eyes wild.

She looked at that reflection as if it were another person, muttering, “He took the towel with him.” In shock, she shook the warm, dripping fluid from her hand. “I don’t have a towel.”

“I have brought you clothing.” Sergeant Uriel slipped the lightest hint of fatherly cajoling into his command, gesturing to a place on the floor where he expected her to stand. “Come.”

Breaking her attention away from the wall, feeling utterly betrayed, Morgaine felt her lip quiver. “What just happened?”

A blunt answer was offered. “You brought him to release.”

She had not brought him to anything. Esin had only taken. And now she reeked of that stuff that had oozed from the fabric over his… she didn’t even want to find a word for that thing.

What would he have done to her had Sergeant Uriel not intervened? Distressed, she met the eyes of the older man. “Esin said he was not allowed to penetrate me today. Are you the one who decides when he rapes me?”

The sergeant began to purr. “It won’t be rape.”

At the magic of the vibration, air left her lungs on a painful exhale. A feeling of emptiness grew behind her breastbone. “I should just get it over with then. All of this, I want it to be over.” Tears fell in earnest, her voice shaking worse than her slimy, soaked fingers. “Call him back in and let him finish. I will keep my eyes closed. Afterward, kill me.”

Sergeant Uriel did not press her to approach again. Instead he crossed the room to her.

“No one is going to kill you. As I told you before, you’re safe here.”

“Safe?” That word must have meant something very different in this place. “He just…” her voice failed “…on my hand.”

“Omega, the Alpha did not hurt you. His behavior was perfectly acceptable in reaction to your sexual excitement.”

Gaping, all she could manage was a stuttered, “I told him to stop.”

“Your genitals responded. The scent of slick is unmistakable. Your mind must be trained to acknowledge what your body already knows.”