When Simin set his teeth to her flesh, he rolled his hips, using her belly for soft friction just as he bit down.

There was a promise in that sting, a promise sealed in the first blood he drew. Though shallow, his mark was there, and her pain was real.

Still holding the Omega’s shoulder in his teeth, he made a grab for her hand, and pulled it between them.

A calloused palm closed her small fingers around a thick cock and guided her to stroke hard and quick. He grunted with the movement, breath growing shallow, making her participate in his pleasure until he burst milky white over heaving tits and fluttering belly to drip down bruised thighs.

Painting her with ejaculate, growling his release, he dragged her touch down to the growing knot and forced her to squeeze. And still he came, jettisoning more cream over and over the girl trapped by his teeth.

I own you. You will obey. You will smell of me. I can make you like it.

What they had shared in pleasure, any trace of awe Morgaine might have fostered, died right then.

Esin would have treated her the same way.

Chapter 16

“You are perfection.” Simin had made a lovely mess of his trembling mate—the lightly bleeding wound atop her shoulder not quite as glorious as the future claiming mark would be, but extremely appealing nonetheless. So delicious; he could not stop tasting it. Lower, her perky tits dripped with his latest ejaculate, come beading atop pink nipples.

What he’d give to have her reach down and gather those droplets, to watch her bring them to her tongue to swallow in delight.


The thought made him spill one last, half-hearted spurt of seed, greasing the flesh between them when Simin pressed even closer. Lost in her scent, working his mass against her gentle form in a blatant, seductive attempt to rub as much of his spend into her skin as possible, he failed to notice.

Until she made a terrible whimper.

His mate was… crying.

Heart falling, squeezing as if caught in a vise, his cock went soft before Simin opened his eyes and found the opposite of what such giving actions should have inspired.

Sad eyes, beautifully blue but bloodshot with terrible emotion, were turned away.

This would not do. Even now the air was growing bitter with Omega fear and salty with spilled tears.

“I have waited an age, set aside many eager, ranked Omegas in search of my kor’yr. For you.” Determined, brusque he spoke words none but her would ever hear. Words he would have killed any male or female for witnessing. Private mutterings between mates, an open display of weakness and exaltation, unheard of from any Heidron. Gathering her hand, he pressed it where his purr resonated strongest—right over his heart. “There is nothing you ever need fear from me.”

The female blinked once, her shoulders slumped, and she appeared… resigned.

Dark circles under her eyes, golden hair lank, bathed in the drying remnants of his sperm, and smelling of the sweet honey that dripped between her legs, she looked worn but resplendent.

Pained to watch her flinch when his hand came to cup her cheek, Simin murmured, “Did the Nierra not take care of you? Did they put poison in your mind?”

She couldn’t answer, was ignorant to his words and their meanings, leaving Simin with no way to encourage her affection outside of action. So he took a step back and waited for her to find the courage to meet his eyes.

At first she continued to stand as she was, shrinking in on herself, unsure, with the shallow breaths of a frightened rabbit. But when she began to realize we waited, a very timid, very tired set of eyes traced their way over his impressive body before landing on an open gaze that waited. For her.

He smirked, reaching out to trill his fingers over the twin crescents his teeth had punctured into her flesh.

And she… she looked utterly confused.



“We have had much sex play. You must be hungry.” Trailing his touch down her arm, he found her fingers and threaded them with his. “Come this way. I shall feed you. I will wash you. I will lay you down in our nest, take you gently, and give you strong arms to sleep in until your eyes shine and your smiles are easy.”

He gave her a gentle tug and led her from a room that reeked of their sex, her fear, and his concern, guiding her to his private dining quarters. Once there, after sitting her in his favorite chair and stepping a goodly distance away, Simin saw her visibly relax.