To be Omega was to be consumed, fed upon, and discarded.

Would it have felt different in the pleasure chambers, or would she have been dragged to such heights by male after male who’d paid Esin’s fee? Where was the intimacy and love Uriel had spoken of?

Everything felt like a lie.

Running her hands from his shoulders, fingering muscled arms, Morgaine made herself learn the shape and texture of him, made herself recognize who he was and what he had done.

Inside her belly he was still hard as stone, and when she moved her hips, she found her body locked to his. The knot persisted, tying them together. Exquisite as it was horrid.

It seemed wrong that she had enjoyed it, worse still that she would enjoy it time and time again. They don’t use you only once. Uriel had made that clear. Esin had made that clear. The males who had gathered outside the glass cage had made that clear.

Heart breaking, she looked into the eyes of the man whose cock still twitched inside her and said her name. “Morgaine.”

At first, he seemed to misunderstand, but then he smiled. “Simin. Heidron Simin Gralloch.” A light kiss was pressed to her mouth. “Kor’yr Morgaine.”

There was a ripple in her internal muscles, a tightening around his girth. As it happened, she watched Simin’s eyes close on a sigh of pleasure. He was still in ecstasy, caught up in rapture as another wave of come was drawn from his body deep into hers.

Settling back against his cushions, she closed her eyes to wait it out and think of anything else.

Her apathy was unacceptable to the male, who rocked deeper against her, rubbing himself where she was tender, until she too was moaning.

When he licked his thumb and reached between their bodies to manipulate the nerves of her clit, it only took three strokes until she was climaxing again, whimpering as her insides went wild and as that invasive knot seemed to grow even larger.

He would not leave her alone.

When nature had decided

their coupling was at an end, the knot shrank, a wave of fluid gushed from her body, and his still hard cock started the game all over again.

The Alpha took her five times, over and over, offering Morgaine no rest or escape from how he could make her body sing. When he was finally finished, he lay with his mouth near her breast, indolently toying with her nipple, chuckling every time he flicked his tongue over the pert tip, no matter how she whimpered.


Joints aching, Morgaine worked to extricate her body from the weighted limbs of a giant. And a giant he was—taller than Esin or Uriel, darker skinned too—scarred, rough, and unashamed of doing what he wished to her body without explanation or gentle suggestion.

If he wanted to feast between her legs, he did, regardless of their mixed fluids or her lack of a bath. When he wanted her on her knees, he put her there, and used her body to suit his tastes.

When he took the calmer route, her squirming never stopped his explorations.

Simin took what he desired, Morgaine unable to even communicate the simplest of refusals.

She told herself that was why she allowed all his pleasures. She lied.

He ruled her with so little effort, and for some reason, that made looking back on all that had been done disconcerting.

The Alpha, Simin, was breathing deep in sleep, his hands tangled in her hair. Slumber did not lend him a look of innocence. Not one bit. There was a reason this man had walked at the head of his people, a reason he had been the one speaking to the commandant.

A reason Uriel’s men had spoken harshly of him in hushed tones when they thought she’d slept.

Doing her best to work her locks free of the strange Alpha’s grip, Morgaine unwound the tangles with care, but he woke all the same.

Cloudy eyes blinked at her, the male watching as she slowly scooted back.

Smoothing her locks, trying not to grimace when movement brought discomfort, she made her way to the edge of the sleeping pit, all under a predator’s gaze.

Fingers curling over the ridge of the bed, Morgaine pulled herself higher. But before she might escape completely, he sat up, cocked his head and scowled.

A series of grumbled words were offered, the male crawling toward her as if to capture an ankle and pull her body under his.