The instant darkening of his eyes proved he did not approve. “Charlotte…”

“Did you know that if a woman with child swims backward in cool water from one side of a pond to the other she will have a boy?” Charlie was snickering at the old wives’ tale, one of many Gertrude had shared. “I just about died laughing when Mrs. Diggs told me that ridiculous fable… but it did offer some inspiration. And before you get all huffy, it’s hot as Hell today and just cause I’m pregnant doesn’t mean I can’t have any fun.”

Hot? It was the middle of October.

Before Matthew could rail at her, something caught her attention and Charlie’s eyes went wide as plates. “You making fritters, Eli? I am sooo hungry.” She pushed past her husband and went, salivating, towards the food.

One bite and she just melted. “You battered and fried peaches… Eli, you are a brilliant man.”

“It was Matthew’s idea,” Eli said with a shrug and boyish smirk.

Mouth full, she turned towards her glowering husband. “Matthew, you are amazing and I love you more than I love these frittered peaches… which is a lot.”

Eli flat out laughed at Matthew’s instant inability to scold her like he wanted to.

Matthew set down his hat, about to start speaking when Charlie gasped and looked down at her stomach, causing Matthew to worry until she let out a satisfied hum and cradled her belly with her hand.

Full of awe, she whispered, “He’s moving...”

The peaches were forgotten, Charlie taking Matthew’s hand, pressing it to where the little one was causing a ruckus. The glowering man went soft, when his baby began pressing back. Captivated, he continued to pass his palm over her belly, following each little sensation until the little one settled down, comforted by his daddy.

“He likes when you do that,” Charlie murmured lovingly, her fingers smoothing Matthew’s hair. Her expression changed when their eyes met, as did her tone. Suddenly full of hunger for something other than peaches, Charlie whispered, “Take a walk with me, M


He grabbed his hat and followed her out the door, Eli was confused, but the customers, having seen this particular show several times before, smirked knowingly at the backsides of the pregnant couple.

Tugging her husband down the well-known path towards their house, Charlie led her man to a familiar secluded clearing. Matthew stopped walking, gave her a long, heated stare.

She giggled wickedly, pressing close. “You wanna spank me for going swimming?”

A deep growl came from his throat, Matthew drawing her in until his palm was running over her bottom. “I wouldn’t have to spank you if you’d simply learned how to behave.”

“But I like being bad,” she pouted, giving him a come-hither promise of something... naughty.

He growled against her lips, knowing just how bad she could be.

After a quick fumble with clothing, Matthew found himself sitting on a stump with her on his lap, her skirt up, his cock sliding in and out of a place wet, hot, and needy for him.

Tongue dancing between her lips, Matthew kissed his golden girl, grunting when she squeezed around him and made that little noise of pleasure he loved. Urging her on, he felt his wife come so quickly it was glorious.

For Charlie, it was one of her more blissful releases, extended and splendid. When she felt him stiffen and spill his seed a few moments later, she watched that perfect man groan.

“My God, woman.” There would never be enough of her; Matthew would always want more. “There ain’t no way I am ever letting you go.”

Pressing her lips to his, she offered a very wicked leer and whispered, “I’m going swimming again tomorrow... naked. You can join me if you want to.”

The baby came a couple of months later. Being the difficult woman she was, Charlie hid the earliest pains of labor, rocking in her chair with Gus on her lap as she hoped the nearby radio concealed her muffled groans.

They’d argued about where the infant would be born, Matthew demanding the hospital twenty miles down the road, Charlie saying it would happen right there in their fine house. They had come to a shaky compromise that the local doctor would be sent for and she could have her way. But Charlie did not trust him to keep his word, keenly aware of Matthew’s constant need to mollycoddle her.

“You can stop pretendin’, Charlotte,” he grunted, a puff of cigar smoke leaving his mouth. “I can see plain as day what’s going on.”

“If you try to drag me to the hospital, I will knock you upside the head,” she grunted out, teeth clenched, as another contraction crept through her. After a few panting breaths, she pleaded, “They won’t let you stay with me at the hospital.”

That was all she had to say to get him to nod in agreement. “I’ll send Nathaniel for the doctor.”

“And Gertrude!” Charlie added. “Men don’t know squat about having a baby. I want her here.”