Dry, to the point, she asked, “Who sent him?”

Closing the office door behind him, Matthew glanced down at the ledger she’d been marking. “He didn’t know. You killed the ringleader. Roy was just hired muscle.”

Charlie pursed her lips. Even the muscle tended to know things—small things that might add up to a lot. “How much was he offered in pay?”

“Five hundred dollars.”

She let out a low whistle. “Sounds a bit too good to be true, don’t you think? Six men, five hundred a piece, someone’s got deep pockets and was wise enough to hire a guy to pick the locks and sneak in. They respect your reputation.” Charlie looked to the ceiling as she mulled it over. After a quick breath, she looked him dead in the eye. “What were they told to do with you? Rough you up? Quick death? Torture?”

Matthew grunted. “Torture.”

Laughing just a little, Charlie snorted, “What kind, Matthew?”

He didn’t move or offer an answer.

“The question is important. Certain men have trademarks.”

“Charlotte,” the words seemed hard for him, “you can’t stay here alone when we’re gone. I know you want to, but you can’t.”

“I’m not afraid.”

Grey eyes turned dark. “They were going to rape you while I watched. They knew you’d be here alone. That’s why they snuck in.”

Charlotte sucked her lower lip between her teeth, nodding. She’d figured as much. “Did they know about me before they came down to buy those sixty gallons?”

Matthew looked to be at a loss. “Roy didn’t know.”

Hating that her blood turned cold, Charlie asked, “Is he still alive?”

“If he is, he won’t be much longer.” After cutting off a few key body parts, Matthew and Nathaniel had left Roy to bleed out just as he’d left her.

She looked to the side in thought. “You know they’ll come after you again.”

His scowl was somewhat rueful, the man clearly worn out. “Why you lookin’ at my accounts?”

Grumbling, not at all happy with how little Matthew had learned, Charlie turned her attention to the figures. “I kept the books for Beaumont. Figured I’d enter the cash you shoved at me last night to help.” Looking to lighten the mood she peeked at him from the corner of her eye and smirked. “Found a few errors… and you’ll need to add a thing or two. With the available income generated from my properties up north, my logging stock, not to mention petty cash I have hidden all over creation, you’ll need to add my honest money to your dirty.”

She could tell at once he didn’t like the idea of absorbing her cash. So when he opened his mouth and made a deadpan joke, her jaw dropped. “It’s a federal offense to use a false identity, spitfire. Ain’t no penny of your money honest.”

And like that they laughed.

It felt good to smile, Charlie a little less angry. “I suppose you’re right. Either way, if you’re fool enough to marry me, and meant what you said about me standing by your side, then you have to take my money and merge it with yours.”

He was almost amused, and just a hairsbreadth from annoyed. “This you punishing me for last night?”

She looked up at him from under her brows. “What man finds the addition of eight thousand dollars and a monthly income just shy of two hundred bucks a punishment? You should be kissing me for all my careful saving and investing.”

“You wantin’ me to kiss you now, hmmm?” He was gruff, running his hand over his scruff. Matthew’s appraisal was thorough, a little light coming back to his eyes. “In three weeks we’re gettin’ hitched… I’ll kiss you then.”

With those parting words, he turned and left.

Disappointed, Charlie realized he was punishing her. Not for peeking at his ledgers or mouthing off… but for sneaking around behind his back to hunt Roy. Well, two could play that game. Since there was to be no kissing, that night she joked it was fitting for her to sleep alone. She had not expected him to, but Matthew agreed. All night Charlie lay there, hating the feeling of a cold bed, Gus was curled up next to her, not quite comfort enough.

When the sun rose and Matthew didn’t complain about his cot in the hall or make a move to reclaim his place in the bedroom, her smugness faded. Charlie began to worry. Another night separated passed, then another, and worry turned to dread.

Though he was cordial, Matthew wouldn’t touch her. He didn’t much speak to her.

From the way he was acting, Charlie began to suspect Matthew no longer wanted her.