Curious, I took it from him and pulled out a thick document. “What’s this?” Then my eyes and brain connected what I was looking at. “Fuck, Dad!”

“What’s going on?” Lucy demanded, taking the paper from my hands. “What… Daddy?”

“The four of us wanted to give you something to help start your marriage off in the right direction,” Dad said with a casual shrug, as if he hadn’t just handed over the deed to me for a three-million-dollar house.

“This… Is this really the house?” Lucy gaped up at her dad.

Jesse lifted his brows. “If you mean the one Annabelle conned you two into checking out, yes.”

“But the Realtor said it was already sold when we looked at it,” Lucy cried. “She said…”

“It was already sold,” Nat assured her. “We bought it before you even looked at it. Layla and I checked the place out as soon as Gabriella said it was up for sale. We knew it was perfect for the both of you.”

“Plus, we wanted you two closer to us,” Layla said with a grin.

“Yeah, especially that,” Jesse agreed.

I was having trouble swallowing as I looked from my Dad to Nat. “You…you didn’t have to do this.”

“I know that. It was something we wanted to do for you. To show you and Lucy how much we love you both.” Dad wrapped his arms around me in a hard hug. “Congratulations, Harris. I’m so proud of you, son.”

“Daddy… Thank you!” Lucy was sobbing now. “You don’t know how much this means to me. To us.”

Jesse wrapped her up in his huge arms, making her look more like a little girl than a grown woman. “Baby, don’t cry. I didn’t want you to cry. Damn it, Layla. Why is she crying so much today?”

“I’m j-just happy, Daddy. This day has been so p-p-perfect, and I didn’t think it could get better. B-but…this…you…” She sobbed harder. “Thank you.”

Dad shifted uncomfortably, his concerned eyes on Lucy’s head. “Does she usually cry like this?”

“It’s probably just the hormones.”

I hadn’t meant to say that out loud, didn’t even realize the words had left my mouth until Dad turned wide eyes on me. “What do you mean, hormones?” But I could see he was already drawing his own conclusions. Before I could say anything, he was grinning. “You telling me I’m gonna be a grandpa, kid?”

“What?” Jesse roared, having caught on to the whole hormone slip I’d just made.

Lucy lifted her head slowly and wiped at her eyes. “So, um…we have a surprise of our own.”

“You’re pregnant?” Jesse wheezed out.

“Looks that way, Gramps,” Layla teased.

“Oh my gosh,” Nat breathed then squealed. “Oh my gosh!” She grabbed Layla’s hands and started jumping up and down. “We’re going to be grandmothers.”

“Shh,” Lucy tried to hush her. “I just found out this morning. I don’t want to tell the world yet.”

“Lucy’s pregnant!” someone called out, causing the entire club to go crazy.


“She’s pregnant?”

“I thought she was looking green earlier,” someone else commented.

“Congrats, Grandpas!” Nik called out, lifting his glass in a toast.

Lucy groaned and turned to bury her face in my jacket. “There goes the pregnancy announcement party I’ve been thinking about all day,” she said with a pout.

I laughed and kissed the top of her head as I wrapped my arms around her. “There’s always a gender reveal party we could do, sweetness.”