That rea

lization didn’t make me feel guilty for the little trick I was playing on him, however. If anything, it was that much more amusing. It melted a place deep inside me that was reserved solely for him to know he was so protective, and yes, so jealous. His jealousy only rivaled my own, but I trusted him. We’d already been through so much, things not many couples could come back from. I knew he would never hurt me.

I rushed to get packed for my own sinful weekend with my friends. I didn’t even bother to fold the majority of the things I threw in. I’d waited until the last minute because I figured Harris would have gotten curious and started looking through my things in an attempt to guess where Kin had planned my bachelorette party.

By the time I was done, everyone who was going with us was already waiting in the living room. Instead of flying, we were taking two vehicles. Marcus was driving my Range Rover, while Gray drove his own vehicle. Counting the two men, both of them our bodyguards for the evening as Gray wasn’t about to leave Kassa for even a night, there were eight of us. Six chicks with luggage meant space was still tight even though we were taking two vehicles.

The drive to Vegas was long, but that was the way we wanted it. If we arrived before Harris and Jace, then the jig was up. Harris wouldn’t enjoy his bachelor party if he knew we were in the same city as him. As Marcus pulled to a stop in front of the hotel, I texted Harris to find out if he was already at his hotel and if he was having a good time. Once he told me was in for the night and he and the guys were going to be playing poker in their suite all night, I knew we were safe.

No one was going to suddenly appear and crash my party, but even if there was a chance they would, Kale knew to keep Harris distracted so he wouldn’t see us.

Kin’s idea to stay in the same hotel as the guys, to do everything in the background while they were doing their own thing, had made me laugh the first time she’d told me. But the more she’d explained her vision of our weekend, the more I had loved the idea. Harris had been so worried about me, but once he realized he’d been within shouting distance the entire weekend, he would think this whole thing was just as funny as I did.

Once we were settled in our own suite and had changed and freshened up, we were ready for our night out.

“Not so fast,” Angie laughed as I started to open the door. “You can’t go out like that.”

I glanced down at my dress and heels. My boobs weren’t popping out and my ass was still covered up, so I didn’t see an issue. “What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?” I pouted.

She smacked me on the ass playfully. “You look sexy as fuck, and you know it,” she admonished. “I meant no one can tell that you’re the bride. Ladies!”

A tiara proclaiming me the bride was produced and set magnanimously on my head. Then Kin placed a white sash around me that read BRIDE in pink glitter. I was just thankful no one had produced any penis merchandise. I didn’t want to go around sucking on a penis straw all night.

“Now she’s ready,” Kassa said with a grin. “We’re going to be getting free drinks all night.”

Downstairs, there was a huge party waiting on us, courtesy of Mom and Nat, according to the note that was waiting in the back of the limo along with a stocked bar of water, Gatorade, champagne, and enough liquor to keep us buzzed all night long. Marcus gave me a wink as he shut the door and then climbed into the front with the driver. I breathed a sigh of relief and held out my hand for one of the glasses Angie was already pouring. I planned on drinking some that night, but it would have felt uncomfortable if Marcus were giving me disapproving looks. That wink told me I could relax and flash my fake ID around if I needed to.

The first stop of the night was dinner. Apparently, I had to have a thirteen-inch wiener from Serendipity 3. It was the only dick pun I was willing to laugh at as Jenna snapped pictures of me stuffing my mouth full of the hotdog, while Santana took a few with her camera to add to a photo book she was making for me of the weekend.

The next stop was a little more decadent. Instead of a bar crawl, we went on a chocolate lounge crawl. We stuffed ourselves with orgasmic little samples of some of the best chocolate I had ever tasted. While we six girls enjoyed it, I noticed Gray and Marcus sampling a few goodies themselves. The two were staying out of our way, but they still weren’t far from us at all times. I thought Marcus seemed a little relieved to have someone keep him company as well as help him manage six chicks buzzed and on a sugar high.

The burlesque show Kin took us to next was perfect, because I hadn’t wanted to see any dicks flying around or have some strange guy rubbing up on me.

I was dead on my feet by the time we got back to the hotel. I barely had enough brain power to set an alarm for the next morning, and I fell into bed beside Kin. I figured she would have been more exhausted that I was, but she was on her phone texting away like a woman on a mission.

“Sleep,” I groaned and reached over to snatch her phone out of her hands.

“Lucy!” she squealed and took the phone back. “I was talking to Jace.”

“Oh. Sorry,” I mumbled and buried my face in my pillow, wishing it were Harris’s chest instead. I relinquished the phone but turned off the lamp beside our bed. “Everything okay?”

“He’s drunk, but at least he’s talking to me, ya know?”

Sadly enough, I did know. I reached my hand out blindly and found her arm. Giving it a little squeeze, I pulled her across the bed and snuggled against her. She wasn’t Harris, but she would do in a pinch. “Thanks for today,” I said as I drunkenly kissed her cheek. “Love you, maid of honor.”

She laughed softly and patted me on the head. “Love you too, bride.”


If I’d thought the day before was a great day, the next was even better. It was just Marcus with us now, since Gray had left to party with the boys for the day. But it was a considerably calmer schedule compared to the previous night.

We had high tea at the Tea Lounge on the twenty-third floor of the Mandarin Oriental Hotel. We sampled teas from every part of the world while stuffing our faces with dainty little sandwiches and adorable cupcakes. From there, we went straight to a spa where we all had every stress knot that dared strain our bodies melted away before they placed hot stones on our backs. My favorite part of a massage was always when they got to my face, and I sighed with contentment.

“Kin, I’m glad you’re going to be my maid of honor,” Kassa said with a soft moan from the other side of the room where she was getting her own muscles worked on. “Because I could definitely do this all over again.”

“Agreed,” Santana and Angie both moaned.

“You got it, babe!” Kin promised. “Don’t worry, you’ll get the full Kin treatment.”