Todd laughed condescendingly, not taking the taller blond seriously. “You’re all talk, bitch.”

“Shit,” I groaned and reached for her just as she kicked her left leg out and connected with Todd’s balls.

“Ugh,” he groaned and fell to his knees, coughing and wheezing in pain. Her pointy-tipped boots might have even ruptured one of his boys by the prissy, high-pitched scream that left him. He pulled one hand back as if he expected it to be covered with blood. It wasn’t, and I wasn’t sure if I was relieved or disappointed.

Genesis, never one to let London have all the glory, snuck up around me and kicked the guy in the face while he was still on his knees. Her wedge-heeled boots connected with his mouth, and he fell onto his side.

Aubree crouched down beside him and smacked him across the face hard enough to leave a welt in the shape of her handprint before grabbing a handful of his hair and lifting his head up so she could spit in his face. “If I had a dick, this is where I would tell you to suck it,” she sneered. “If I ever see your face again, I’ll stab you in that little dick of yours. Stay the fuck away from my friend.”

She dropped his head back hard, and the loser curled up into a ball, blood dripping from his split lip, and cupping his groin. He made a little whimpering sound, and I heard half a dozen chuckles coming from every direction of the club.

“Ladies, we’ve talked about this shit,” I said with a resigned exhale. This wasn’t the first time they had personally taken care of someone who had pissed them off. If they would give me five minutes, I could clean up their shit without having to risk them going to jail for assault or any of the half-dozen other felonies I was pretty sure they had committed in the time they had been working for me.

It was for that reason that Emmie Armstrong hadn’t offered them a contract. If she didn’t think she could assert even a little control over the clients she managed, she didn’t think they were worth her time. But Nat wasn’t so sure they weren’t fixable, and their talent alone was more than worth the hassle they tended to cause. Otherwise, I wouldn’t ever have extended their contract for a second year. Now my stepmom was chomping at the bit to get them signed, but it was going to come down to Annabelle Brockman, Nat and Emmie’s third partner, on whether or not the Blondes got the contract or not.

“Nobody talks to Ro like that,” Aubree growled as she spat on Todd.

Turning, I found the other two huddled around the singer, and Aubree quickly joined them. It was only then I noticed how pale Roanna had become. How fragile she really seemed. She was shaking, her entire body trembling, and silent tears rolled down her cheeks. This wasn’t the fearless little firecracker who took charge of my entire club every Thursday night. This little scrap of a girl was lost and broken. There was something in her eyes that reminded me of Lucy, and that made me a bit insane.

“Should I call an ambulance for that one?”

I shot a glance up at the VIP floor where Nate had been watching the whole scene. “No. Get Tiny and his men to drag his ass out back. Tell them not to be gentle about it either. And if he ever steps foot in this club again, call the cops.”

Nate nodded solemnly. “You got it, boss man.”

As he turned away to follow through, I focused on the broken rocker who still had yet to make a single sound since the whole thing had begun.

“It’s okay, Ro,” Aubree murmured softly, holding on to the distressed girl’s elbows. “Everything’s okay. He’s gone now.”

“He isn’t gonna bother you again, honey,” London reassured her, stroking the girl’s hair like she was a small child.

“Hello? Anyone home?” Jace walked in through the back entrance, already being a smartass. “What the fuck’s going on? You kill this mofo?” he asked me as he stepped over Todd’s body.

I glared down at my ex-bartender disgustedly. The pussy was crying now, his running nose and tears mixing with the blood that was still flowing from the cut on his mouth. “I didn’t get a chance to touch him. The Blondes took him out before I could finish tearing into him about sexual harassment in the workplace.”

“Ah.” Jace’s gaze fell on Roanna. “I’m not even gonna ask what happened. I can see which one he was harassing. She going to be good to go on tonight?”

Good question. “Ladies?” I called over to them. Genesis was the only one to lift her head. “Will she be ready to go on? If not, that’s cool. I’ll understand. You can have the night off if you want.”

“N-no,” Roanna cried. “I want to work tonight.”

“Yeah, boss. We’ll be working,” Genesis muttered. “You heard the girl. She’s good to go.”

I gazed at them for a long moment, trying to figure out if they were serious or not. Roanna seemed almost hysterical at the idea of not performing later. Finally, with a shrug, I nodded. “Okay, then. Don’t worry about rehearsal. Go get yourselves a drink and hang out in the green room until you go on tonight. Order some dinner. Charge it to the card I have on file at the deli down the block.”

Nodding, Genesis urged Roanna toward the back of the club, and the other two followed after them just as Tiny appeared with two of his security team and lifted Todd from the fetal position. He moaned, and Tiny dropped his head. I ignored the sound of the guy’s head bouncing off the floor and pretended like it had been an accident on Tiny’s part. With a wicked grin, he picked up the fucker’s head again. My chief of security had a soft spot for the Blondes, Roanna especially. If he’d been present when Todd had been talking to her the way he had, I was pretty sure the bastard would have been toothless by now.

“So, what’s the game plan for this weekend, man?” Jace asked as he went behind the bar and pulled out a beer from one of the refrigerators beneath. “You going to the bridal shower thing Kin keeps nagging me about?”

“Dad and Jesse are getting a group of us together, and we’re playing golf at the country club.” I smirked at what I just said. “Hell,” I laughed. “I never thought I would ever say those words in my life. Two of the scariest rockers in the universe are taking me to play golf. Shit, before those fuckers got married and settled down, I don’t think they even understood what golf was.”


p; Jace snorted. “Could have fooled me. Your dad has mad skills, bro.”

“You’re my best man, so that means you have to come too,” I told him, and he looked almost sick with relief. I burst out laughing at him. “Was she going to make you go to the shower if I didn’t invite you?”

“Fuck yeah,” he grumbled and took another swallow from his bottle. “Gray is going with Kassa, and Kin expects me to go with her. Unless you had something else planned for me to use my best man duties for.”