Any nervousness or misgivings I might have had disappeared the second the door closed behind me. I could sense Harris before I even saw him sitting in that chair that was so low it forced him to stretch out his long legs. Demi Lovato was already singing, and of course, Kin would have picked this song. The entire vibe to “Wildfire” was enough to get a person hot and bothered.

The lights were dim, so it took Harris a few minutes to see me until I walked out onto the smallest stage I had ever seen, equipped with a single stripper pole. I knew the instant he spotted me, though, because he inhaled sharply and didn’t release it. Refusing to look down at myself self-consciously like I so desperately wanted to do, I kept my eyes glued to him.

“Fucking hell,” he groaned low and painfully. “You’re killing me right now, sweetness. Literally killing me.”

He stood, and before I could even blink, he was grabbing me off the small stage and pulling me in for a hungry kiss. I forgot about the dance I was supposed to be giving him, forgot that I had been jealous and upset when I found out Harris was in here watching strippers take their clothes off for him. I was pretty sure I’d even forgotten my own name as he thrust his tongue into my mouth and then started working on the strings of the thong that went with my black bustier the girls had encouraged me to get earlier.

In seconds, I felt the cool breeze of the air conditioning blow over the heated and damp folds of my pussy. A moan was torn from me as he thrust two fingers into me and backed me against the wall. My jellified legs wrapped around his waist, giving him full access to the tight playground hidden between my thighs.

“Where the fuck did you get this outfit?” he growled as his lips left mine, only for him to bite down on the tender flesh just under my right ear.

I cried out in pleasure, my neck arching to give him better access, encouraging him to bite me harder. “W-we went shopping,” I moaned. “I have a ton more stuff just like this for our honeymoon.”

“Fuck!” he groaned. “I can’t wait to see them all.”

Within seconds, his jeans were down and he was thrusting into me. My nails bit into his shoulders as I strived to hold on. The ride was hard and furious, but not over quickly. Neither of us could get enough of the other. It was the first time since we had moved in together that we had spent the night apart, and the time away from him felt more like an eternity than just twenty-four hours.

My moans and screams rivaled the sounds of the music still playing, but I didn’t care who heard us. This might not have been the teasing dance Kin had prepared me for, but it was a thousand times better in my opinion. Or maybe she did know what was going to happen the second Harris and I saw each other. She probably knew exactly what was going on behind the closed door of the private room.

I wasn’t completely sure how much time passed between the moment we fell apart for each other and when we could breathe easily again. All I knew was that my legs were like Jell-O and my body was still shaking from the force of the release he’d given me.

Harris touched his lips to my brow, then my cheek, before kissing my lips tenderly. “Best bachelor party in history,” he groaned.

“I’ll second that,” I said with a soft laugh.

“Fuck, I missed you.” He kissed me again. “I don’t like being away from you. Don’t make me do it again.”

“I’ve been in Vegas just as long as you have.” His eyes narrowed on me. “I didn’t want to be far from you.”

“So you tortured me?” I grinned, and he blew out a huff. “You and Kin can be devious little bitches, you know that?”

My grin only grew wider. “We’ve been told that a time or six before, yeah.”

Someone in the dressing room knocked on the door. “Go away,” Harris called out.

“Time’s up, love birds!” Jenna shouted back. “We’re taking this party back to the hotel. You coming?”

Harris’s aquamarine eyes were still hungry as he looked down at me in my bustier. “Hell yeah. At least a few more times tonight.”

“Yes, please!”

Chapter 13



The air was warm as I stepped out onto the roof. It was already seventy degrees and was only going to rise as the day went on. Or so the weatherman had predicted. I wasn’t going to complain about the unseasonably higher than normal temperature, today of all days. That it was so warm so early only helped.

“Where are we going?” Mom whispered from right behind me.

I glanced over my shoulder and saw she looked concerned. “Why are you whispering?”

“I don’t want to get in trouble today,” she said with a shrug. “I don’t think Harris would appreciate it if we got arrested the day of your wedding.”

Laughing, I stepped farther out onto the roof to reveal the surprise I had prepared for just the two of us. “Don’t worry, Mom. No one’s going to get arrested today.”

I watched her face as she took in the little table sitting only feet from the edge of the roof. There was a small breakfast already waiting for us under covered dishes, with carafes of orange juice and water along with pots of steaming coffee and tea. But the meal wasn’t the best part of the surprise.