
I wasn’t missing out on anything

. I had the girl I loved. I had my family, friends, and career. Nothing else mattered. As long as Kin was right there in my arms, my life was fucking perfect.



“Wake up!”

I jerked awake, sitting straight up in bed. My hair was a mess and I was sure there was drool on my face, but I didn’t bother to wipe it away as I glared up at the person standing over my bed.

“I hate you,” I grumbled as Carolina flopped down onto my bed.

She giggled and made herself comfortable among my pillows before pushing something into my hands. “Happy birthday, Kin.”

I blinked sleep out of my eyes as I focused on the present my stepsister had just put in my lap. Over the last month, Carolina and I had gotten closer. She had become the friend I’d needed when Lucy had left for Georgetown and I wasn’t afraid to admit that I’d needed her friendship more than I’d realized. With my stepsister having my back, it was easier to go back to my father’s house at the end of every day.

“You didn’t have to get me anything, Caro,” I scolded her even as I started unwrapping the pretty present.

“I wanted to,” she assured me as she watched me open the box underneath. “I hope you like it.”

Finding the picture inside had my heart clenching. It was a beautiful frame, which had probably cost Carolina a full month’s allowance, but it was the picture that was the real present for me. I blinked back tears as I saw myself between Lucy and Angie. I remembered Caleb using my phone to take the picture the night I’d snuck out with Angie to go to First Bass. The picture had been on my phone and I’d put it on my computer, which was where Carolina must have found it.

Seeing Lucy’s smiling face made me miss her that much more. I hadn’t seen her smile since her birthday. When I talked to her on the phone I heard the pain that was still so close to the surface, and when I FaceTimed with her I saw the shadows under her eyes. She was a ghost of her former self and my heart broke for her.

Harris wasn’t much better, though. He never smiled anymore. His eyes were cold and dead and he was working himself into an early grave with all the new projects he was undertaking at the club. I worried about him more than I did Lucy, though. I knew how strong Lucy really was. Harris wasn’t nearly as strong—even if he did want the world to think he was.

“Thanks, Caro. This is beautiful.”

She gave me a warm smile. “I’m glad you like it. I thought it would be perfect for your new room.”

Excitement eased away some of the ache in my chest for my friends. It was my birthday. My promise to my mother was officially over and I could leave Scott Montez’s house without a single regret. I already had an apartment ready and waiting on me, thanks to Carter.

“You’re going to come visit me, right?” I demanded as I settled back against the pillows beside her.

She rolled her eyes. “Duh. I plan on spending more time at your place than home. Trust me, I don’t like it here any more than you do.”

I grimaced. “I wish I could take you with me.” While Carolina and I had gotten closer, I had realized that she was just as much a prisoner in that house as I was. Her mother and sister used her, embarrassed her, and made her life twice as hellish as they did my own. My warden was my promise to my mother, but hers was her age. She was only fifteen. She was stuck with her mom for a few more years at least.

“I’m going to miss you,” I told her honestly as I leaned my head back. “I’ve kind of gotten used to you.”

“I’m going to miss you, too.”

I reached for her hand and gave it a firm squeeze. “I’m only a phone call away.”

“Thanks, Kin.”

We sat there, talking for a little longer until Carolina had to get ready for school. I should have been getting ready too, but I was going to skip school that day and get my apartment ready. I rushed around, putting the last of my stuff in my suitcases.

I’d thought about asking Jace to pick me up, but I knew he would be busy at First Bass. He was helping Harris more and more and spent more time at the club than at home unless I was with him. So I zipped up the last case and carried them downstairs, figuring I would just call a cab.

As I opened the front door, I expected Jillian to come out of the kitchen to snip at me, but she didn’t appear and I breathed a sigh of relief as I stepped out onto the front step. Putting the cases on the walkway, I closed the door.

A car honking had me jerking around. My eyes landed on a brand new Range Rover and the blond girl sitting behind the wheel. My heart melted when Angie opened the driver’s door and got out. Caleb stepped out of the passenger side and I nearly cried at the sight of them both. I knew they were coming out to California for my birthday, but I hadn’t expected them until later in the day.

“Hey there, sugar bug.” Angie wrapped her arms around me, squeezing me hard. “Happy birthday!”