“What exactly do you know then, Lucy?”

“I don’t want to talk about it right now, Kin. What hospital are you at?” She sounded odd, but when I told her which hospital she told me she would see me soon.

Putting my phone away, I noticed Jace and Natalie had come back from seeing Harris. Jace had his arm wrapped around her shoulders as she sobbed against his chest. The sounds coming from her made it impossible for my heart not to break for her.

Getting to my feet, I crossed the room to them. “How is he?” I murmured.

Jace shook his head. “He’s out, babe. The doctor said he probably won’t wake up until tomorrow with all the drugs he has in him right now. With the antidote the EMT gave him to bring him back, it could be a while before he opens his eyes.”

I bit the inside of my bottom lip as I worried about Harris. Fuck, had Tessa really tried to kill him? I’d only seen Jenna’s girlfriend—ex-girlfriend now, I supposed—a few times but I’d never liked her. She was why Jenna had gotten into drugs in the first place. She had gotten Jenna hooked and then threw a fit when Jenna had left to get herself clean. Harris had tried to keep it all a secret, but after Lucy and I had found Jenna high out of her mind at First Bass that first night, Lucy had pretty much blackmailed them into getting Jenna help.

She’d wanted Jenna to go to rehab or she was going to tell Jenna’s sister and brothers. Jenna had left the next day for Phoenix and Lucy had kept her mouth shut. But Tessa had still been around.

Until now.

Chapter 20


The feel of soft hands on my arm and the stream of bright light coming from a nearby window were pulling me out of a deep fog. I groaned, fighting the fog, wanting to get closer to those soft hands yet wanting to hide from the light all at the same time.

My head was killing me and the rest of my body didn’t feel much better. I was one big ache and my stomach was tossing and turning in a way that told me I was going to have to face the light a hell of a lot sooner than I wanted to.

Moaning, I turned onto my side, away from those soft hands, and emptied my stomach onto the floor. I heard the wet contents as they splashed onto tile and groaned again as another wave of nausea hit me hard, making my gut cramp from it.

Soft fingers stroked over my forehead, soothing me. “It’s okay. You’re okay. Let it happen. Don’t fight it.”

I gave up the fight to hold back the next wave of vomit and emptied it onto the floor over and over again. By the time I was done I felt drained and fell back against an uncomfortable mattress and a pathetic excuse for a pillow. “Where am I?” I whispered, my throat hurting like a sonofabitch.

“Hospital,” came that sweet voice I loved so fucking much. “You’ve been here for three days.”

Three days?

I cracked open an eye, testing the brightness of the room. It wasn’t nearly as bad as I had feared, but my eyes still felt like they were going to pop out of my head. “What happened?”

Lucy’s beautiful face appeared in front of me and I nearly grabbed for her, some inner instinct telling me to hold on to her now and never let her go.

“We’re still trying to figure that out,” she told me with a tight smile, tears making her dark brown eyes brighter than normal. “We’re just thankful that you’re alive.”

“Was there an accident? Is that why I feel like I’ve been run over by a Mac truck?” I tried to tease, but her face just tightened.

“No, Harris. No truck.” She exhaled long and hard. “Tessa drugged you. You OD’d. If Jace hadn’t been there you might have died.”

I froze at her words as one memory flooded back to me. The tea. The tea in the fridge had tasted bitter, but I’d thought it was just because Jenna had messed up one of her batches of iced tea. Now I realized that it had been something else entirely.

Fucking hell.

This was her revenge for Jenna breaking up with her, but had she really hated me so much she had tried to kill me? I hadn’t gotten a ‘killer’ vibe from her in all the months I’d lived under the same roof with her and Jenna, but then again I didn’t know Tessa very well at all.

“Is Jenna okay?” Did Tessa do something to her too? Was she okay? Was she still clean?

“Jenna is fine,” Lucy assured me, but the hesitation in her voice had me taking another look at her. Seeing the question in my eyes, Lucy grimaced. “Everyone knows about Jenna now, Harris. They are blaming her for what happened—not that I can honestly blame them, but that doesn’t matter right now. Natalie wants her to go back to Ohio to live with their mother and father. Drake wants to try and help her. Shane is still on the fence about what he wants to do, so until he makes his decision Jenna has been condemned to her room in your apartment.”

I tried to sit up in the bed, but my stomach and head both protested and I fell helplessly back against the mattress. “This wasn’t Jenna’s fault, Lu. She had nothing to do with what Tessa did. Fuck, she broke up with Tessa, was going to put as much distance between the two of them as humanly possible.”

Those soft hands pushed at my chest, keeping me on my back. “Calm down. I didn’t say I blamed her, I’m just saying I can understand why everyone else would. Don’t worry about her right now. Just focus on getting back to your old self. Okay?”

I sucked in a deep breath. “Yeah. Okay.” I covered one of her hands on my chest and gave it a squeeze. “Thanks for being here, sweetness.”