“Yeah, Lu. I know.” I turned onto my side, kicked off my shoes and pulled my legs toward my chest. “Night, Lu.”

“Night, Kin.”

Chapter 18


The next week passed in a blur.

I avoided Jillian like the plague so I wouldn’t be tempted to knock her teeth down her throat. She avoided me just as much, making me wonder what the hell was up with her. From the day I’d moved in she’d been riding my ass, now she kept her distance. Not that I was complaining, I was just curious as to why she would do that all of a sudden.

Lucy’s birthday arrived and I stayed in my room until it was time to go to First Bass for the party. Marcus was picking me up as Lucy had requested, but she had no idea that I wasn’t going to be the only one waiting on her when she got to the club that night. Harris had been working with his stepmother and Emmie Armstrong to pull off a surprise party for Lucy.

I was looking forward to the party and had almost asked Carolina if she wanted to join us. Almost. Over the past week she had become a welcomed ally. She came into my room each evening and we would talk and I was slowly getting to know her. I didn’t consider her a step-bitch any longer, but I didn’t count her as my stepsister either. If I had to give our relationship a name I would call it the beginnings of a semi-friendship. I still didn’t completely trust her so I wasn’t going to go crazy and call her a real friend. Not yet, at least.

As I got ready for the party, excitement had me feeling jittery. I hadn’t seen Jace since he’d dropped me off at Scott’s house the day after Christmas, but we’d talked every night. More than once I’d fallen asleep with him still on the phone. It had been nice and reminded me of how things had been before he’d left Virginia with Tainted Knights. I was dying to see him again.

Marcus arrived right on time and I got to the club just as everyone else was. Lucy’s family all greeted me at once, welcoming me lovingly into their fold as we prepared to surprise Lucy. The Tainted Knights guys were the last to arrive, having been asked to perform for the party.

Jace walked in with his bandmates and my heart did a painful flip in my chest. I couldn’t help but watch him with eyes that told the world I was ready to give in. That I wanted to see what could happen between the two of us if we tried again.

I didn’t want to talk to him about it in front of Lucy’s family though, so I avoided him throughout the night. He kept trying to approach me, but I knew if I got within a foot of him I was going to beg him to kiss me, so I stayed away. A flash of hurt crossed his face when he realized I didn’t want to be around him, but before I could set him straight he walked over to the bar where Gray was drinking a beer.

Grimacing, I promised myself I’d set him right before I went to him later, and turned my full attention on the party.

Lucy had a great time and was barely able to keep her eyes open by the time everyone left. Her dad carried her out to their vehicle, but when Jesse asked if I needed a ride, I told him I had one already.

At least I hoped I did. I hadn’t talked to Jace all night so I wasn’t sure if he would drive me or not. I could take a cab home if I had to, I supposed, but I was hopeful that wouldn’t have to happen.

With Lucy and her parents gone, it was just Harris and Jace left with me in the club except for the few staff Harris had asked to work the party. I sat across from Jace as he and Harris had one last beer while the staff cleaned up.

“Thought you would go with the Thorntons,” Jace grumbled as he took a deep swallow of his beer.

I shrugged. “I didn’t want to go back to my father’s house yet.”

His brows lifted. “You couldn’t stay with Lucy tonight?”

“Sure, but I’m not in the mood for a sleepover with Lu.” But I was hoping for one with Jace.

“Can I drive you back to Malibu, then?” He leaned forward, his beer finished.

I pretended to think it over. “I guess so,” I murmured.

Harris shook his head. “You two need to get over the past already.”

I was over it—for the most part. Now I wanted to focus on the present and maybe even the future. “Yeah,” I agreed with a nod. “I’ll work on that.”

Rolling his aquamarine eyes, Harris stood. “Let’s get out of here. I’m exhausted.”

Jace jumped to his feet, his keys already in hand as he reached for my hand. Instead of grasping my fingers, however, he gripped my wrist firmly, as if he was afraid I would run off on him if he didn’t hold on to me. Harris said goodnight at the vehicles. Jace stood beside his own, waiting until his friend was gone before moving to open my door for me.

“What was with the cold shoulder all night?” he growled as he blocked the door, not allowing me to move to get in.

I dropped the cool act and reached out to touch one hand to his chest. Blue eyes widened and he covered my hand, pressing it closer over his heart. “I didn’t trust myself to keep my hands to myself if I let you get too close,” I told him honestly and watched as his eyes darkened. Licking my desert-dry lips, I asked him for the only thing I really wanted right then. “Can we go back to your place and talk?”

“Just talk?” he teased with a wicked grin as he lowered his head. His warm breath caressed my cheek as he pressed his lips to my temple.

“For now, talk.” I shivered as he kissed a path down my cheek to my jaw and then pressed a hard kiss to the sensitive spot just under my jaw bone.