Marcus was in a chair a good ten feet away. He had a glass of ice water in his hand, but his eyes were ever watchful as he seemed to consider everyone near Lucy as a possible threat, as if they might snatch her at any moment. Shrugging, I headed toward the three.

Harris saw me first and lifted his beer in greeting. “Hey. Didn’t think you were coming tonight, bro.”

“Kin texted me,” I told him as I dropped down on the second couch beside them. My gaze went to Caleb. “Hey, man. How’ve you been?”

Caleb didn’t give me a death glare like I would have expected, but then again I knew he wasn’t the real threat. “Can’t complain. You?”

“I’ll be better when your sisters get here,” I assured him as I glanced around, hoping to see them. “What time did they say they’d be here? Kin told me an hour.” I had gotten there within forty-five minutes, so I knew she still had a little while to go before the time she’d said she would be there, but fuck, I wanted to see her.

“Angie said she was breaking Kin out, so I guess it depends on how that goes.” The big guy’s eyes were full of amusement as he tipped the beer to his lips again. “I wouldn’t be too eager to see them, though. Angie can hold a grudge a hell of a lot longer than Kin.”

I leaned back against the couch, stretching my legs out in front of me. “I’ll take whatever Angie wants to dish out as long as Kin’s here.”

“So that’s where Angie is?” Lucy lifted her head, pushing her curls back from her face. She shifted, but Harris tightened his hand at her waist, as if making sure she didn’t go too far. “Is that what you meant when you said she was dealing with ‘girl things’?”

Caleb grinned. “Yeah. Kin wasn’t kidding about bail money earlier. Angie can be a handful when she gets in one of her moods.”

“Sounds like she’ll fit right in with Lu,” Harris muttered, which got him an elbow to the ribs by the girl on his lap. He laughed and pulled her head back down onto his chest and rested his chin on top of her curls with a look of pure contentment on his face.

Seeing the way his eyes were just as heavy as Lucy’s made me wonder what had happened between the two, but all thoughts of them were suddenly cut off when I heard Angie’s voice calling out for Caleb.

I jumped to my feet, my eyes already searching for Kin. Angie was smaller than her stepsister, but I was able to spot Kin’s red hair easily. I moved forward, needing to see her—touch her. As they came into view I stopped in my tracks when I saw that both she and Angie had bloodshot, puffy eyes.

They’d been crying.

“What’s wrong?” I demanded, moving to take Kin’s hands.

She didn’t pull back immediately. “Nothing,” she assured me with a small smile. “I’m just happy to see my family, that’s all.”

“Oh.” I pulled her toward me and she came closer a few steps. “You’re sure you’re okay? Everything at home all right?”

Her jaw clenched and she pulled her hands away. “That’s not my home.”

“Okay, sure.” I grasped one of her hands and tugged her toward the couch I’d just vacated. “Come on. Let’s sit.” I glanced at Angie over my shoulder. “You gonna kick me in the balls?”

“Not in the club,” Angie told me as she bypassed me and took the spot I’d been in earlier. “Promised Kin I wouldn’t touch you. In the club.”

“Right…” I chanced a glance at Kin, who only smirked. Shaking my head, I took the other end of the couch and pulled her down onto the middle cushion that separated me from Angie. “So as long as I’m in the club I’m safe, huh?”

“Basically,” Kin said with a laugh. “Might want to talk to Harris about putting you a bed downstairs or something.”

“Angie, this is Harris,” Lucy said, introducing them. “Harris, Angie. She’s Caleb’s twin.”

“Good to meet you,” Harris told her, offering his hand.

Angie shook it, but quickly pulled back, looking around for a waitress. “Anyone else thirsty?”

“What’s your poison?” a waitress asked as she approached after Harris had waved her over.

“I’ll have a shot of 151,” Angie told her.

“You planning on fueling up a rocket?” the waitress asked with a lifted brow. “That stuff is powerful.”

“It’s my favorite,” Angie told her with a wink. “I like powerful things.”

“You got ID?” The girl glanced at Harris. “Woul

dn’t want the boss to fire me for not checking.”