Ah, I loved Angie so damn much. She was a little goddess. The sister of my heart looked like what most would call an angel with her long blond hair and those brilliant blue eyes. She had a sweet voice that she used to her advantage often and had gotten us out of trouble more than a few times with it. The thing about Angie, though, was that appearances had never been more deceiving. She was anything but an angel.

She was pure hell on high heels when she needed to be—or more like when she wanted to be. And when she was with me and her twin, she wanted to be. Often.

Caleb, on the other hand, looked like a gorgeous beast from hell. He was scary with his hulk-like body and sometimes menacing scowl. Like his twin, appearances were deceptive. The brother of my heart was more angel than his sister could ever hope to be.

“But we aren’t going to get to hang out tonight, are we?” Caleb said with a cute little pout, bringing me back to the situation at hand.

“No,” I muttered as fresh tears stung my eyes. Damn it. I had cried more in the last ten minutes than I had in six months.

Lucy was quick to step in, though. “How about I take you two out on the town tonight? Marcus and I will pick you up at your hotel and take you to dinner and then to First Bass. I’ll give you the full VIP experience.”

I forced a smile for her. “Yeah, you two.” I knew that Lucy would take care of the two people who meant so much to me. “Go out with Lucy and have a good time. When Carter gets here we can have our time.” Georgia hit the horn again and I was ten seconds from punching her in the face, so I hugged the twins again. “I’m so happy you two are here. I love you both so much.”

Angie opened her mouth, but Carolina chose that moment to yell at me. “Kin. Let’s go. Mother is expecting us.”

At least it was Carolina. If it had been Georgia, I might have gone all Tasmanian devil on her ass.

Keep your nose clean, Kin.

I gritted my teeth as I reminded myself. Just a few more months until I was eighteen.

Still, I gave the twins a teasing grin. “Did you guys bring cash with you? You might have to bail me out of jail later after I beat the shit out of those two.”

Angie’s brows lifted, her blue eyes full of interest. “You scared to get into more trouble?”

“Ang,” I covered my heart with my hand. “really? Have you forgotten me so easily?”

Nose. Clean.

Fuck that shit. Angie was there. I was going to have some fun, damn it.

Angie grinned. “I’ll call you later, sugar bug.”

Seeing that evil-ass grin on her beautiful face filled me with so much love it almost hurt. “Did I mention I missed you? Because I have. So. Bad.” I blew her a kiss and then turned to hurry to the car where Georgia was laying down on the horn and not letting go. Fucking cunt.

While Georgia drove us back to their house, I pulled out my cellphone and pulled up Jace’s name. I needed to at least warn him that the twins were in town.

Seeing that I already had one unread message from him, I opened it.

Will you come to First Bass tonight?

My teeth sank into my bottom lip.

I’m grounded. Lucy will be there though… With Caleb and Angie.

As soon as I hit send I saw that he’d gotten the message and was already reading it, like he’d been waiting on me to message him back. Did he do that often, I wondered? Had he been waiting after every text he had sent me over the past months? There had been a lot of them, and if he had been waiting for a reply to each one, that had to mean something.


Fuck, I didn’t know, but my heart ached to believe that it did.


I rolled my eyes at the shouting, excited text.

Thought I should warn you that Caleb was in town with Angie.

I tried to emphasize that to him, but he didn’t seem to care that I was trying to help him. He was still too excited that I’d replied to his message.