The chick who had assaulted me, however, didn’t find it nearly as funny, as her hands were jerked behind her and someone put cable ties around her wrists. Her face went blood red even through her multi-layers of thick makeup. I saw her mouth moving and figured she was cursing me with every bad word she knew, but I couldn’t hear any of it over the roaring laughter.

But while my attention had been on what was happening on stage, I had missed what was taking place up front and center. The next time I looked at Kin, figuring she thought the whole thing was just as funny as everyone else, it was to find her frowning as she talked to Lucy and Harris. Lucy said something that made Harris’s face fall, then hugged him.

Before I could get off the stage to reach them, Marcus was pushing the girls in the direction security had just taken the freak who had kissed me. What the fuck?

I jumped down off the stage right in front of Harris. Around me the crowd started booing again, wanting me to finish the show. When two guys with beers in their hands took a step toward me, I flipped them both the bird and turned to face my friend. “Where the hell is Kin going?” She’d said we could talk, damn it. I’d finally felt like I was getting somewhere with her.

Harris grimaced. “That chick who just kissed you?” I nodded. “That’s Kin’s stepsister. She came with Kin and since Lucy is her ride, they had to go.”

I raked my fingers through my hair, wishing I’d done some kind of damage to the bitch who had just ruined my night in more ways than one. “Motherfucker. I finally got Kin to agree to talk to me after this show. That stupid cunt ruined everything.”

Harris blew out a frustrated breath. “Agreed.” He glanced around at the crowd that was starting to get rowdy. “Fuck this shit. Go do your job, man. I’ve got work to do.”

I wanted to say to hell with the show, to hell with everything and just follow after Kin, but I had a job to do and I couldn’t leave Harris with a club full of pissed off fans. Biting off a vicious curse, I climbed back up on the stage and glared at my bandmates.

Cash walked over to me. “What’s wrong?”

“Fucking cunt is Kin’s stepsister. The bitch is in trouble so now Kin has to take her home.”

Gray’s eyes widened. “That was Kin’s sister? What kind of shit is she having to put up with at home, man? That chick looked like she just escaped from some asylum.”

“You going after her?” Sin asked as he adjusted his guitar strap on his shoulder.

I glanced over my shoulder at the crowd and cursed again. “Can’t, man. Wish I could, but I fucking can’t.”

“Well, let’s get this shit taken care of and then you can figure out what’s going on with Kin.” Gray surprised me by squeezing my shoulder. “Hope you can help her, man. Kin’s a cool chick. She doesn’t deserve that…”—he made a face— “whatever that was.”

“Not even I would have touched that,” Sin muttered with his cocky-as-hell grin. “Better get yourself tested for herpes before you kiss Kin again.”

I laughed, then just as quickly frowned. Fuck. I probably should. There was no way in hell I was going to give something like that to Kin.


Lucy wanted to go in with me when Marcus pulled up in front of my father’s house, but I told her no. I didn’t want her to witness the hell storm that was most likely to follow. So I gave her a hug, told her goodnight, and followed Marcus as he marched Georgia up to the front door.

Her hands were still bound behind her with cable ties and I couldn’t help smirking at the sight she made. I’d have to group message Angie and Caleb about this later. The twins would laugh their heads off when I told them about what had happened.

Marcus rang the doorbell rather than letting me use my key. When Scott answered the door instead of Jillian, I was surprised. I thought he was still on location in Canada with his stupid movie. Then again, what did I know? No one told me anything about my father’s schedule.

Scott looked from the guard to me dispassionately, but when his eyes landed on his oldest stepdaughter, they widened in disbelief. “What the hell happened?” he demanded, his eyes now full of rage as they landed accusingly on me. “Georgia, what…”

“Scott?” I heard Jillian call out and seconds later she was standing in the doorway beside him. When she saw Georgia with her hands tied behind her back, her face turned purple with a mixture of embarrassment and anger. “What the fuck did you do?” she demanded, but her eyes were suddenly on me. Accusing me. Demanding answers from me.

I hadn’t done anything. I’d been standing around listening to a great show that Tainted Knights had been putting on, trying not to fantasize about how the conversation Jace wanted to have later would go. I’d stayed where I was supposed to stay, rocking with everyone else to some killer music and having a great time with my best friend.

Georgia was the one who had caused trouble. The one who would have been hauled off to jail for basically assaulting Jace and then resisting when the security guys had tried to pull her off stage. Georgia was the one who had made a spectacle of herself outside while cameras had flashed from all directions. Just as Jillian had wanted, her daughter was most likely going to end up on TMZ, but not for the reasons she’d hoped. Nope, she was going to be the next day’s laughing stock.


ch meant so was Jillian.

I wanted to rub my hands together in glee. Those two bitches were only getting what they had asked for and then some. Karma was such a delightful bitch, and I wanted to shake her hand right then. Until Marcus was told his presence was no longer needed, and Scott wrapped his arm around Georgia’s shoulders as he guided her inside the house. Jillian stepped out onto the porch, grabbed the same wrist she’d bruised earlier and jerked me inside. The door hadn’t even slammed shut before she was twisting me around to face her.

“What happened?” she seethed at me.

I shrugged, refusing to rub at my sore wrist. It would just give the step-monster pleasure to see that she had hurt me physically. “We were listening to the band play and then Georgia took it upon herself to rush the stage and molest the lead singer of Tainted Knights. Security dragged her off him.”

“Why didn’t you help your stepsister?” she demanded, practically shaking with anger now. “Do you know what people are going to say when they see me tomorrow? The neighbors had to have seen her in cuffs and that is nothing to what the papers will be saying if they saw her restrained.”