The drive wasn’t a peaceful one. Georgia pulled out her cellphone and started calling all her friends. She screamed at least six times—per phone call—which had Marcus on full alert, but she was giggling and laughing like she was having the time of her life. She was giving me a headache, though.

Deciding I needed to at least try to ignore her, I pulled out my own cell. I wasn’t surprised when I saw I had a text from Jace.

Just friends, I tried to remind myself.

Just. Friends.

But I couldn’t help the silly smile that lifted my lips as I pulled up the text.

Will be waiting for you before the show. Won’t have much time. Just want to see you before I go on stage.

I glanced at the clock at the top of my phone’s screen. Should be there in 20.

I wasn’t surprised when he instantly sent a reply. See you then, babe.

Shaking my head, I put the phone away and leaned my head back against the seat, trying not to think about the dull ache in my wrist. I was going to have a bruise and I didn’t bruise easily. My mother and Carter had never touched me with violence in any way, never once spanked me in my life. Never grabbed me in anger. I was unused to that kind of treatment, uncomfortable with it, and—yeah, I’ll admit it—my feelings were more than a little hurt.

But most of all, I was pissed. How dare that bitch touch me like that? How dare she grab me and leave welts on my skin? How dare she hurt me physically?

It wasn’t okay.

My mother and Carter’s voice were no longer floating around in my head telling me to respect my elders. If my mom had been alive she probably would have torn Jillian apart for doing what she had. If Carter was there he would have punched Scott for letting his wife touch me.

Thinking of the two people who were my true parents, the woman who had given birth to me and the man who had raised me as his own, tears burned my eyes and a lump filled my throat. I kept my eyes closed tightly to keep the stupid tears from falling and breathed in deep to attempt to get control of my emotions. I wasn’t normally a crier, but everything was starting to get to be too much.

All my emotions were swimming around, confusing me. I missed Carter and the twins. I missed my mom. I wanted to be back in Virginia with all four of them. I wanted to be getting a new snowsuit because we would be getting ready to go to Aspen for a week at Christmas. I wanted to argue with Angie about what we would buy Caleb for Christmas because he was so damn hard to buy for. I wanted to make another one of those stupid pipe-cleaner ornaments to add to the hundreds that Abagail put on our Christmas tree every year.

I wanted to not be confused about Jace St. Charles. I wanted…so many things I knew I would never get.

The feel of the Range Rover coming to a stop had me sucking in a steady breath and opening my eyes. Georgia was shooting me an odd look, but then her gaze went beyond me to the flashing cameras and her face split into a smile that was so toothy I wondered how she kept them in her mouth. Where the hell were her gums?

Moving slower than normal, Marcus got out and handed the keys over to the valet. He opened my door and helped me out, being careful with my sore wrist. Once I was on my feet he put his hand at the small of my back, guiding me toward the sidewalk.

Georgia practically jumped out of the back of the SUV, and I couldn’t help but watch in fascination as she moved like she had been born to wear the stripper heels. She didn’t wobble, didn’t stumble and walked effortlessly over to me to wrap her arms around me in a ‘loving’ hug.

“McKinley, who are you with tonight?” I heard one of the usual paps say, who was always camped outside First Bass every night.

I gritted my teeth for ten full seconds before pasting on a smile and actually answering the woman for the first time. Ever. “This is my stepsister, Georgia.” That was all I said, though, as I paused for a few seconds so Jillian would be happy with the amount of pictures the cameras all took before pulling away and walking away from Georgia like I didn’t even know her.

Marcus was right beside me as we reached the front door and he opened it for me. I glanced back to see if Georgia was coming but she was still standing on the sidewalk posing for the cameras and answering the questions they were all throwing at her. Well, Jillian would be happy. Her daughter would definitely end up on TMZ. Probably being laughed at for what she had worn and how ready she was to offer up any information about herself, but on there nonetheless.

Marcus followed my gaze and grumbled something under his breath. He was anything but his usual stoic self tonight. “Wait for me here,” he commanded in a quiet tone before going back and taking hold of Georgia’s shoulders, guiding her toward the club’s entrance. “Stop acting up, or I’m taking you home,” he was growling at the girl as he reached me. “I’m not here to babysit. My job is to keep those I’m told to safe. Oddly enough, your name isn’t on that list.”

“Oh, yeah? And McKinley’s name is?” Georgia tried to smart off.

“No. McKinley’s name isn’t,” Marcus assured her. “But Kin’s name is. So behave or I promise you, you’ll be home way before bedtime, little girl.”

She actually pouted up at him, probably thinking that would get her somewhere with the menacing bodyguard. All my tears from earlier evaporated completely as I turned around, not even trying to hide my laugh.

As I walked deeper into the club, Tiny stepped out of the VIP entrance. “Miss Montez. So nice to see you again.”

His voice was scary as hell, but I loved it. This guy, like Marcus, made me feel safe and right then I needed that feeling more than anything. Tiny held out his hand, offering to take my coat. “May I?”

I reluctantly shrugged the coat off and then cradled my sore wrist against my stomach so no one could see the red welts or bruises. “Thanks, Tiny.”

His gaze was on my hand, but he didn’t comment on it. “Mr. St. Charles said he would be waiting for you at the bar.”

Thinking of Jace waiting on me perked me up a little more and I couldn’t help the new smile that tilted my lips. “Thanks. Let Lucy know I’ll be up front when the show starts, will you?”