She lifted reached up to take the studs out of her first earring hole and put them in the second before putting the hoops in. “How do they look?”

“Beautiful,” I assured her, but I wasn’t just talking about the earrings. She was so damn beautiful, it hurt. “Do you like them?”

“I love them. Thank you, Harris.”

Because the temptation to kiss her was so much stronger now, I quickly asked for the check and got us the hell out of there. The drive to First Bass was quick. Neither of us spoke as we held hands and listened to one of her favorite satellite radio channels. “Jace will be on here one day.”

I nodded. “Yeah, I know he will be.”

“What are you going to do when Tainted Knights’ contract is over?” She was playing with my fingers and I was sure she didn’t even realize that she was doing it.

“I have a few other bands lined up. I asked Dad and Natalie to take a listen to their audition CDs to help me choose, but I’ve got it narrowed down to three.” I was really going to miss Jace when Tainted Knights left, but I knew that, with Emmie as their manager, they were going to go far. I just hoped that the new band I picked for another year contract would bring in the fans like Tainted Knights still continued to do.

Pulling up in front of the club, I turned my car over to the valet instead of parking it myself. I opened Lucy’s door and helped her out before giving my man, who was standing in front of a line of people who wanted entrance to my club, a nod. The big guy touched the earpiece in his ear, said something I didn’t hear, but I didn’t need to hear to know what he was saying.

Grinning, I dropped a quick, soft kiss on Lucy’s lips before pulling her into the club. The usual noise level filled my ears as we entered First Bass. Tiny was where he always was, standing in front of the VIP entrance. He stepped forward as we approached. “Evening, boss. Miss Thornton.”

Lucy clung to my arm and grinned up at the huge man. “Hey, Tiny. Is Kin here yet?”

Tiny didn’t even blink. “I’m not sure, Miss Thornton.”

“Oh…” Lucy frowned. “Okay.”

I pulled her closer against my side. “Don’t worry about her, Lu. I’m sure she’s okay. Come on.” I urged her up the stairs. “I’m thirsty. Let’s get drinks and chill out.”

“Yeah, okay.”

I led the way up, holding her hand. When we reached the top, I turned to face her. She stood on the next-to-last step, a smile on her face, and I couldn’t resist stealing one more. “I love you, Lu.”

She kissed me back, her tongue trying to tempt mine to play with hers a little. I wanted nothing more than to do just that, but we had things that needed our attention. Grasping each side of her waist, I lifted her up the last step and turned her while still kissing her.

Reluctantly, I drew back and set her on her feet…


Lucy jerked against me as she turned to face everyone who loved her. Her eyes widened, her mouth fell open, and her hands went to her chest as if she were trying to hold her heart inside her chest. I glanced over her head and grinned at the fifty or so people who I’d let have the run of my club while I’d been out with Lucy that afternoon.

It had been my idea to shut the club down and have Lucy’s surprise party at First Bass, but it had taken Emmie and my stepmom to put everything together for me. Now the place was decorated with at least a thousand purple balloons, streamers in the same color, and a ‘Happy Birthday, Lucy’ banner hanging over the VIP bar.

“What?” Lucy laughed and shook her head as she glanced from her parents and little brothers to the rest of her family. Lana and Drake with their girls, Shane and Harper, Nik along with Emmie and Mia. My dad was there with Natalie and Trinity. Axton and Dallas Cage. Kin and Jace, as well as the rest of Tainted Knights, and plenty more all here to celebrate Lucy’s eighteenth birthday. “Oh my gods.” I heard a catch in her throat as she stepped forward.

“This is… I hate you all. I’m totally going to cry.”

A chorus of laughs filled the room as Jesse and Layla wrapped their arms around their daughter. “Happy birthday, baby.”

“No tears,” Emmie commanded as she stepped forward to take her turn hugging the birthday girl. “Natalie and I planned for everything except tears. So don’t do it,” she teased as she kissed her honorary niece’s cheek. “Love you, sweetheart. Happy birthday.”

While everyone took their turn hugging her, I moved around them and went straight to the bar where Jace was sitting with two of his bandmates. I’d only kept a few of the security staff on tonight to keep everyone outside out and to give the illusion to Lucy that the club was open. A few waitresses had also been asked to work tonight and two bartenders. Nate set a beer down in front of me as I took a seat beside my friend and I gave him a nod in thanks.

“You good?”

I lifted the bottle and swallowed half before setting it down again. “I can barely fucking walk. What does that tell you?”

Jace threw his head back and laughed out loud. “Poor man. I feel your pain, bro. It’s a painful pre-dick-ament.”

I snorted and finished the rest of my beer. When Nate asked if I wanted another I shook my head and turned my attention back to Lucy who was still being swallowed up by the crowd, all of them wanting to show her some love. As if she felt my gaze, her eyes found mine and her face brightened even more.

“Love you,” she mouthed and I winked.