His confession gave me hope for when I told him about Harris and me dating. Smiling happily, I wrapped my arms around my dad’s waist and stood on tiptoes to kiss his scruffy cheek. “Night, Daddy. Tell Mom and the boys I love them.” I pulled away and wrapped my jacket around my shoulders. “Love you, Daddy.”

“Love you more, Lu.”

By the time Marcus pulled up in front of the Sofitel, we were nearly twenty minutes late picking up the twins. Caleb was already standing out front of the hotel and when I rolled down the back window, he was grinning. “Sorry we’re late,” I apologized.

He opened the door and climbed into the back with me. “No problem.” When he shut the door, I frowned and he shrugged. “Angie had to bail. Sorry. She had a few things to take care of. Girl things, she said.”

I got the feeling it was more than just girl things. Maybe more like Kin things. Remembering the look on Angie’s face as she’d watched Kin driving away, I wondered if Caleb really was going to have to bail out Kin before the night was over. I didn’t press the issue, though. “Okay, then. I guess it’s just you and me. My aunt has a table at Alejandra’s if you like good, authentic Mexican food.”

“Sounds good.”

It didn’t take long before I realized that I enjoyed Caleb’s company. He was fun to be around, easy to talk to, and showed me repeatedly that he loved Kin as much as his twin. By the time I’d paid the check—something I’d had to nearly fight him over—we were laughing and acting like we’d known each other for years rather than just a few hours.

Back in the Range Rover, I turned to face him after I’d snapped my seatbelt into place. “Has Kin told you much about First Bass?”

He shrugged his massive shoulders. “Not really. Just that you two go there often. Your friend owns it, right?” I nodded, not sure if I should correct him that Harris was my boyfriend and not just my friend. “And she said she’s been singing her songs every Wednesday night. She’s never let me hear one of her songs before. How does she do?”

“She’s great. Harris has gotten even more business on open-mike nights because of her, I think. I think she’s gotten offers to buy some of her songs, but she hasn’t said whether or not she is going to do it or not. Maybe she’s waiting un

til she’s eighteen and she won’t need parental permission or whatever.”

His eyes widened. “Whoa. That’s amazing.”

“So she hasn’t said anything else?” I was fishing, trying to figure out if Caleb knew about Jace or not. Kin hadn’t told me not to mention Jace when I’d spoken to her earlier that evening, but I still wanted to be careful. Caleb definitely gave off the protective big brother vibe where Kin was concerned and I knew that he’d been pissed when Jace had left Kin earlier in the year.


“Well, this should be a really fun night, then.” I wondered if I should call ahead and ask if Jace was there, but I already knew that answer. Jace was always there. While the other members of Tainted Knights spent their free nights either with another job or partying like the rock stars they were, Jace was at First Bass. I wasn’t sure if it was because of his friendship with Harris or what, but for the first time since I’d met the rocker, I wished he would just go home and have a night to himself.

Marcus pulled up in front of First Bass before I could decide whether or not I needed to ask Harris to make his friend leave—just to avoid any blood being shed. Caleb stepped out on his side as my bodyguard opened my door and handed over the keys to the valet. Stepping onto the sidewalk where at least two hundred people were waiting behind the ropes in hopes of getting into the club, I bypassed the man with the clipboard and went straight to the front door.

When I stepped inside, Tiny was waiting at the bottom of the stairs to the VIP entrance. His white teeth flashed in the dimly lit corridor when he saw me. “Miss Thornton. How’s the hand?”

I lifted my hand, still in the soft cast. “I get to take this thing off next week. Hopefully.” I turned to Caleb. “This is my friend, Caleb Jacobson.”

The smile disappeared when Tiny noticed the guy standing just behind Marcus. “Where’s Miss Montez?”

“I don’t think she will be around, at least for a few days. Caleb will hopefully be coming with me from time to time, though.” I glanced over at him and grinned. “If he likes it here, that is.”

“Should I let the boss know that you’ve arrived, Miss Thornton?”

I shook my head. “Don’t bother him. I texted him earlier and he said he was busy. I’ve caused enough trouble lately to want to pull him away from work tonight.” The head of security stepped to the side, finally letting us pass. “See you, Tiny.”

“Miss Thornton,” he inclined his head courteously.

Upstairs, I pulled Caleb straight toward the bar. Nate was working, like always, and I waved at him as we stole two seats near one end. Caleb was an actual gentleman and pulled out my seat before dropping into the chair beside me. “What are you having?” I asked.

“Beer is fine,” he said to Nate before flashing him his ID.

“I didn’t realize that you were twenty-one yet.” I thought Kin had told me her twin stepsiblings were only twenty, but of course that could have changed since I had no clue when their birthday was.

Caleb scratched at his chin. “Just turned. Angie and I wanted to come out and celebrate our birthday with Kin, but Angie ended up having a stomach bug and we had to cancel.”

“Your usual, Lucy?” Nate asked as he placed a bottle of beer in front of Caleb. His eyes were going back and forth between me and my new friend, curiosity shining bright in his eyes.

“Yes, please.” I gave him a bright smile.

Nate was quick to get my glass of ginger ale. When he placed it in front of me, he didn’t walk away, even though there were obviously other people waiting for drinks. He rested his elbows on the bar top and leaned forward on them. “Who’s this?” he asked shamelessly.