
Imoved on autopilot all evening. Smiling at Marissa Niall, saying “Yes, sir” whenever her husband happened to ask me a question, stroking my fingers down Doe’s arm every few minutes. The latter was the only thing that kept me going during dinner. My girl’s mom had made my favorite meal, but I barely tasted it because my head was so full of Pixie and what would happen over the next week and then the months to come.

Dessert was put in front of me, but when I lifted my head to thank Doe, it was to find we were alone in the dining room.

“What’s wrong?” she demanded as she sat beside me once again. “You haven’t been yourself all night.”

It was the perfect time to tell her everything, but when I opened my mouth to answer, my throat tightened and I couldn’t form the words. Fuck, I was such a coward. All I wanted to do was hide from the inevitable behind this amazing girl. I’d never really had a safe place, but with her, it was as if nothing could touch me. She made everything better when I was in her presence, but I knew that I couldn’t escape reality for much longer.

“Sorry, baby. I just have a really bad headache. Did I mess up with your parents?”

“No, of course not. They didn’t even notice you were off.” She turned her chair and put her hands on either side of my head, using her thumbs to massage my temples. “Does it hurt here?”

Her touch was so comforting I wanted to lay my head in her lap and forget about the rest of the world. Guiding her hands to the back of my head, I showed her where the tension headache was the worst. The instant her fingers dug in with the perfect amount of pressure and gentleness, I couldn’t hold back my groan.

“Do you want to wrap this cake up and take it home?” she offered. “We can eat it in front of your TV while I rub your head until you feel better.”

“I want that so bad, little lamb, but I have to be up early in the morning.” I caught one of her hands and brought it to my lips, kissing the palm before pressing it to my chest. “I’m going to be busy this week, and I need to talk to you about something. But I don’t think I have the brain power to do it tonight.”

“I need to tell you something too, but it can wait until you’re feeling more like yourself.” She moved to sit on my lap and picked up the dessert and a fork. “Chocolate makes everything better.”

She fed me a bite, and I couldn’t help the whimper that left me at the first taste. “Good?” she asked with a shy smile.

“The best thing I’ve ever eaten, baby.” That earned me a beaming smile from her. I opened my mouth for another bite and shook my head. “No, that’s a lie. This is the second-best thing I’ve ever eaten.”

Her bottom lip pouted out. “What’s the first?”

I buried my face in her neck. “You.”

Her breath caught, and she squirmed on my lap. My cock jerked against her bottom, letting her know he was more than ready to play with her.

Doe fed me until the dish was empty of even the smallest crumb, and I reluctantly set her on her feet so I could stand. “I’m not sure what time I’ll be free tomorrow,” I told her as we walked to the front door. “I’ll text you when I get home. I want you to come over so we can talk.”

She gave me a searching look for a moment. “That sounds ominous. Should I be worried?”

“No, I don’t want you to worry about anything.” I was worried enough for all of us. Bending, I brushed a soft kiss over her lips. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

The next morning, everything moved so fast it felt like it went by in a blur. I picked Pixie up and drove her to the hospital, where she was taken straight up to her private room on the oncology floor. She had a central line in her chest, but they still put in an IV for fluids and other medications. Once she was comfortable, they began the first dose of chemo.

By mid-afternoon, Pixie was already sick from the treatment, and they had to give her meds for the nausea and headache. The drugs made her sleepy, which was a good thing. I figured sleeping through the worst of it was for the best. I sat in my chair across from her bed, praying that this was all worth it.

I wanted to do whatever we had to in order to keep Pixie with me for as long as possible, but seeing her so ill made me wonder if I was being selfish. Did my need to keep her with me make me blind to everything she had to go through to achieve it? Was her quality of life less important than the quantity of time I would get with her?

As soon as the thought filtered through my head, I shook it away. Pixie was a fighter. It didn’t matter to her how sick she was right then. She wasn’t going to sit back and let this disease beat her down. She would want to go to war against it until one of them finally won.

But I had to admit, as much of a warrior as she was, the cancer was winning. The doctor had already said this would be the final battle. Whatever happened during this round would determine who the winner was once and for all. Either Pixie would walk away from it the champion, or the cancer would blast its victory song as she was placed in hospice care.

The oncology floor had strict visiting hours, so I had no choice but to leave when they told me it was time. Pixie was still sleeping, so I wrote her a note letting her know I would see her the next morning and to text me if she needed anything.

Driving back to West Bridge felt like it took double the time than usual. After the emotional chaos of the day, I was running on fumes by the time I pulled up beside the garage apartment. But I missed Doe, so I texted her as soon as I turned off the car.

Once the message showed it had been delivered, I walked up to the apartment. A shower and a sandwich sounded great, and I didn’t know which one I wanted more. Pushing open the door once it was unlocked, I took two steps inside the living room and stopped in my tracks when I saw Doe lying on the couch, fast asleep.

The world around me seemed to be put on pause as I looked down at her. Her hair was spread out over one of the pillows from my bed, and the fuzzy throw she’d brought over and left earlier in the week was tucked around her. Her plump lips were slightly parted, and her hand was curled under her cheek. The TV was on some true crime show with the volume on low.

Quietly, I closed the door and crossed to the couch. Crouching down, I stroked a finger down her flawless cheek. It was petal-soft, just like I knew the rest of her was. She mumbled something in her sleep and snuggled deeper into the pillow, shying away from my touch even as she sighed my name.

“Baby,” I murmured, stroking my thumb over her lush bottom lip.

Slowly, her lashes fluttered open. Once her gaze focused on me, she smiled. “Hi.”

“I like coming home to you,” I told her, brushing a kiss over her lips. “It makes a shitty day a hell of a lot better.”

Her brows pulled together, and she sat up. “Why was your day shitty?”

I tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. “We can talk about that later. I need a shower.” My fingers skimmed down her neck and arm to her hand. “Want to join me?”

Heat filled her blue eyes, and she held her arms up, encouraging me to lift her from the couch. Standing, I scooped her into my arms, kissing my way up her throat as I carried her into the bathroom. There wasn’t much room in there. Just a toilet and a sink, as well as a shower stall and a tub that was too small for me to even think about sitting in..

I placed her on the sink and turned on the water, letting it heat up before pulling my shirt over my head. Turning back to Doe, I felt my next breath get trapped in my throat when I took all of her in.

She was dressed in one of my T-shirts and nothing else. Her legs were spread, showing me that she didn’t have any panties on. With a groan, I fell to my knees in front of her, spreading her thighs wider so I could get a better look at her pretty pussy.

Her lips glistened with arousal, showing me plain as day how much she wanted me. The scent was so intoxicating, I groaned as I buried my face in her center, my fingers already spreading her so my tongue could lap up all that sweet cream. She squirmed, her fingers thrusting into my hair to hold me in place.

I curled my tongue, stroking it over her hard little clit the way I knew drove her crazy and forcing a cry from her throat. Her back arched, her hair cascading down her back like a black waterfall as her head fell onto her shoulders, and she screamed my name. Just the taste of her on my tongue had me so hard my cock was one stroke away from exploding like a cannon.

Her silky-smooth legs started to tremble, and I knew she was close. With a feral sound that felt torn from my throat, I jerked to my feet, pushed my jeans and boxer briefs down until my cock sprang free, and thrust into her, balls deep. I pulled one of her legs up over my hip, her foot bouncing off my ass as I used my thumb to strum her clit, working her faster toward oblivion.

The instant her pussy started to suck me dry with her orgasm, light exploded before my eyes. Flame-filled pleasure started up my spine, while rope after rope of release painted the inside of her pussy, marking her as mine.

She fell forward against me as I tried to steady my breathing. I filled her so completely I could feel it leaking out of her. Steam had started to saturate the air, and I grasped her ass, keeping us connected as I stepped into the shower stall with her. She wrapped her legs around me, letting me know she wanted us to remain a part of each other just as badly as I did.

“I love you,” I breathed against her ear as the water rained down on us. Pressing her against the tiled wall, I thrust into her. Even though I’d just emptied a gallon inside her, I was still rock hard.

“Love you,” she panted, her nails slicing down my back as I pumped into her forcefully. “Jenner!”

“You feel so good, little lamb. I can’t get enough.” I’d been inside her so many times this past week, I had lost count, yet she still felt virgin-tight wrapped around my shaft. My mouth blindly searched for hers until I captured her lips, needing to taste her. She kissed me back, almost as frantic for our kiss as I was.

It felt so fucking good, it hurt. My balls were already tight and ready to spill again, but I held it back, not wanting it to end. I was greedy for more of her cream on my cock, needed to feel her walls contracting around me over and over again before I gave her any more of myself.

Her release hit her before I was ready, surprising us both. She screamed until she was hoarse, and all I could do was feed her my cock over and over again to help her through it. The entire time, I had to fight not to spill again. The holding back was more painful than I anticipated. It left me shaking and so fucking hard to the point I thought my cock was going to split down the middle from how much blood was pumping through it.

The moment she started to come down from her orgasm-induced high, looking so beautiful and sexy with her wet hair hanging over her perfect tits, I lost the hold on my control. I dug my fingers into her supple hips, no doubt bruising her tender flesh as I jackhammered into her core like my life depended on it.

She loved it. My roughness sent her into her third release, draining me of every drop in my balls.

Finally, my cock softened enough to make it bearable to pull out of her, but she whimpered as I left her sweet haven. Her legs were too weak from three powerful orgasms to hold on to my waist, and she melted against me as soon as her feet touched the floor. Pressing the side of her face to my chest, she let me hold her as the shower rained down on us for several minutes while I attempted to catch my breath.

Eventually, the water began to cool, and I quickly washed us both from head to toe. By the time I turned off the water, it was freezing cold and Doe was shivering. I wrapped her in a towel, then used another to dry her and then myself.

Scooping her up, I carried her into the bedroom and placed her in the center of the bed. “Are you hungry?” I asked while she snuggled into the pillows, her lashes already lowering as she fought sleep.

“I’m too sleepy to eat,” she said around a yawn.

“Give me five minutes. I didn’t eat all day, and now I’m starving.” I kissed her before standing.

In the kitchen, I wolfed down a sandwich and a huge slice of the cake Doe must have brought with her. When I climbed into bed beside her, she was already out cold. The stress of the day mixed with the best shower I’d ever had and Doe asleep against me was a powerful combination.

The moment my head hit the pillow, with the scent of her sweet-smelling, damp hair under my nose and her curves pressed into me, I passed out.