Page 55 of Vows Made in Secret

His smile sent shivers up and down her spine.

‘I was always going to wear a suit. But then I thought tonight was special—’

He turned as a dancing couple barged into him and apologised. She blinked in confusion. What did he mean by ‘special’? She felt his hand tighten on hers and looking up, found him watching her, his gaze fierce and glittering.

‘We need to talk.’

Wordlessly, she nodded—and then, glancing over his shoulder, she noticed a middle-aged couple watching them curiously.

‘Not here,’ she murmured, flinching as another couple skimmed past Laszlo’s back.

Frowning, he put his arm round her protectively. ‘Shall we go outside? It’s quieter there...less chance of injury.’

‘Yes.’ She paused. ‘But could we find your grandfather first? I want to thank him for the necklace.’

Laszlo studied her face and then nodded slowly. Scanning over the heads of the dancers, he pointed across the barn. ‘He’s over there! And there’s Mihaly too.’ He gripped her hand tightly. ‘Don’t let go. I don’t want to lose you.’

He turned and began to push his way through the crush of people, pulling her behind him. Every few metres he was stopped by guests and Prudence found herself being introduced to a baffling array of people. Finally they reached the other side of the barn, where tables and chairs had been set up and trestles of food and drink lined the walls.

‘Laszlo!’ Mihaly reached out and yanked his cousin into a crushing embrace. He took a step back and, glancing down at Laszlo’s suit, grinned wickedly. ‘What’s this? They’ve got you being a waiter at your own party?’

Pushing Laszlo under his arm, he sidestepped in front of Prudence and bowed.

‘Miss Elliot! You look beautiful! I wonder, may I have this dance with you?’

He gave a yelp that turned into a laugh as Laszlo grabbed him from behind and punched him on the arm.

‘No. You may not!’

Still laughing, Mihaly held out his hand to Prudence. ‘Don’t listen to him, Miss Elliot.’ He gestured towards an elderly woman sitting by the dance floor, a walking frame by her side. ‘That’s my great-aunt. Laszlo danced with her once! Just once!’

He and Laszlo both burst into laughter, but there was no mistaking the possessive note in his voice as Laszlo pulled her against him. ‘Prudence won’t be dancing with anyone but me. And you’re going to need a walking frame too, cousin, if you don’t back off!’

Trying to ignore the warm rush of pleasure at his words, she glanced anxiously over to where Janos was talking to another elderly man. ‘I must just speak to your grandfather,’ she said quietly.

Janos broke off his conversation as she approached him. He smiled warmly. ‘You look quite lovely, my dear.’

Prudence blushed. ‘Thank you so much, Janos. It’s such a beautiful necklace.’ Standing on tiptoe, she reached up and kissed Janos gently on the cheek.

Smiling, he patted her on the hand. ‘It’s my pleasure.’ He glanced over Prudence’s shoulder to where Laszlo and Mihaly were still fooling around with each other. Sighing, he shook his head. ‘They act like children when they get together, but it’s nice for me to see Laszlo having fun.’

His face clouded.

‘I know it must appear to you that he’s had a charmed life, living here in a castle surrounded by priceless works of art. But he’s known a great deal of unhappiness,’ he said quietly. ‘He’s seen so much sickness and death and grief.’ He smiled sadly. ‘Of course I love having my grandson live with me, but he’s spent far too much of his life cooped up in the castle with me.’

He hesitated.

‘We’re too shut off here. It’s made him push away the world. Turn away from life itself. But you coming here has changed that. He seems so much happier.’

Prudence blushed. ‘I don’t think I can really take the credit for that.’ She swallowed. ‘But I’m glad he’s happy. He deserves to be. Even though he’s so incredibly annoying and stubborn...’ Her mouth twisted. ‘I don’t think I know anyone quite like him!’

Janos burst out laughing. ‘Nothing you can’t handle, I imagine?’

She laughed. ‘No. I think we’ve pretty much worked out our differences.’ Biting her lip, she hesitated. ‘But I think it’s not just Laszlo who’s changed. You’ve changed too.’

Janos nodded. ‘Yes. I have.’ His eyes flickered with excitement. ‘And there may be more changes to come. But none of it would have happened without your hard work and patience.’

Prudence glanced down to the necklace gleaming at her throat. ‘Hmm... Pearls for patience? I think I should quit while I’m ahead.’