Page 50 of Vows Made in Secret

He nodded, his face serious. ‘Stronger. Wiser. You’re probably the wisest woman I’ve ever met, Prudence Elliot. The most beautiful. Most compassionate. Most forgiving.’ He sighed again.

‘If only I could make a proper Hungarian goulash I’d be perfect,’ she said shakily.

He smiled weakly. ‘I’ve had enough of perfection. I’m happy with what I’ve got.’

Standing on tiptoe, she pressed her mouth against his. ‘Me too!’

He kissed her back fiercely and then, groaning, broke away from her. ‘You know, all that talk about goulash has made me think about food again. How about we go downstairs and show Rosa where she’s been going wrong all these years?’

* * *

Later, lying with Prudence curled against his body, Laszlo felt strangely calm. He’d told her everything, and she’d listened while he talked. Not once had she judged him. Instead she’d given him the courage to face his fear. A fear that had chafed at him for so long and corroded his relat

ionship with the only woman he’d ever loved.

Closing his eyes, he felt his heart contract almost painfully.

The woman he still loved. His wife.

His hand tightened around her body and he was suddenly close to tears, for he had so nearly lost her again. And then he almost laughed out loud as he remembered their teasing conversation of earlier. For he was the one who was trapped in the tower, and she had rescued him.

Abruptly, he felt his chest grow tight. And then, like a balloon popping, his happiness burst. His relationship with Prudence would soon be over and all his thoughts of love and marriage were just speculation and hope. At no time had Prudence even hinted that she wanted to give their relationship another chance.

He frowned. Come to that matter, he hadn’t either.

In fact, he’d made it pretty clear that their relationship was nothing more than a cathartic fling that would terminate at the same time as her period of employment at the castle.

Opening his eyes, he stared bitterly at the photograph of his parents. He needed to show Prudence he’d changed. Words wouldn’t be enough this time. But, having convinced her that all he wanted was a loveless affair, how was he going to persuade her that he wanted to give their marriage another chance?



Laszlo’s voice drifted up the stairs, causing Prudence to glance in dismay at the discarded clothes strewn across her bed. So far she was wearing only her underwear and her shoes.

‘Nearly!’ she called out quickly.

‘Nearly? How is that possible? You’ve been up there for hours...’ His voice trailed off as he stepped through the doorway. ‘Nice dress,’ he said slowly. ‘Where’s the rest of it?’

She glared at him. ‘This isn’t the dress. It goes underneath.’

His eyes slid over the sheath of satin.

‘And what goes underneath that?’ he murmured softly.

‘Nothing. That’s the point.’

He grinned. ‘It’s a very good point. Very convincing, in fact.’ He walked across the room and kissed the corner of her mouth. ‘Although if you took it off I think your point might be clearer still.’ He pulled her towards him and kissed the soft hollow at the base of her neck.

She looked into his eyes and gave him a teasing smile. ‘Really? You don’t think it might be a little risqué for the party?’

She squirmed against him and he looked down at her, his gaze darkening.

‘Hell, yeah! I’m the only person who gets to see you naked,’ he growled, lowering his mouth onto hers and kissing her fiercely.

Head spinning, Prudence clung to him, feeling heat—scorching, dizzying heat—wash over her. Just as she thought her legs would give way, she heard him swear softly under his breath.

Groaning, he broke the kiss and released her. ‘I can’t believe we have to go to this damn party. I’ve already spent all day with my family.’