I wanted to stay there forever but I knew we didn’t have a lot of time before somebody noticed we were both not in our seats. Or that the ‘occupied’ sign was switched on for longer than the normal time.

Plus, if things went well, maybe Frannie would be open to another quickie before landing.

So I got to work.

Chapter Ninety-Six


Jace had one hand behind my head, protecting it. Otherwise it would have been knocking against the bathroom mirror with each thrust.


They must be able to hear us I thought as another orgasm tore through me. I heard a ding and then an announcement signaling turbulence ahead.


The plane dipped slightly and he picked up his pace.


I felt his cock swell inside me.


“Unfff… Fuck. I fucking love you, you know that?”

He groaned as he came, his seed filling me up. He didn’t stop fucking me though. He was still slowly grinding me when I felt him getting hard again.

“What are you doing, Jace?”


“We can’t! We are going to get busted.”

He grunted as I pushed him away. His cock was in his hand as he stared at me, clearly not concerned.

“I don’t care.”

“Well, I do. Plus, didn’t you hear? They said there might be turbulence!”

He grinned at me cockily and grabbed me, kissing me hard.

“I’ll give you turbulence.”

I laughed, covering my mouth to stifle the sound.

“When we land, okay? We can do it all night in the hotel. We don’t have to go out.”

“A whole day and night.”

I rolled my eyes at him.

“Yes! Fine. We aren’t supposed to be looking at apartments for a couple of days. I don’t start work for two weeks.”

“Twenty four hours. No interruptions.”

I stared at him.

What exactly had I just agreed to?

“No phone. No friends. No books.”

I nodded slowly and he grinned.

“Okay, Frannie. You have a deal.”

I quickly dressed, sliding out of the bathroom. I exhaled in relief. No one had seen us go in apparently. Maybe the doors were thicker than I thought.

By the time I slid back into my seat I was already wondering what I’d gotten myself into exactly. What did a man need a full 24 hours to do? I bit my lip, realizing I had maybe bitten off more than I could chew.

Jace sat down beside me. The look on his face was pure male satisfaction. He grabbed my hand and kissed it, biting my wrist.

“You might regret that, sweetheart.”

I stared at him, wondering how he had read my mind.

“What do you mean?”

He leaned over to me, gripping my chin.

“While you use your brain to read all your books, I’m using mine to think of creative ways to fuck you.”

I stared at him, realization dawning.

I had just made a deal with the devil.

I was in for it. For something more than usual. Jace was going to put me through my paces.

It was a good thing I loved him.

A very, very good thing.

Chapter Ninety-Seven


“You good, man? Clay asked, giving me a once over.

“He’s nervous as fuck,” Clyde answered with a grin.

“Shut up,” I muttered, tugging on the silk tie wrapped around my throat. My shirt was scratchy. The tie was too tight. And worst of all, my fucking balls were aching like nobody’s business.

I hadn’t fucked Frannie in days. Five, to be exact. It was tradition she said.

It was fucking torture, I said.

But she’d just smiled and told me she was

New and her old roommate Becky were upstairs helping her get ready.

Even her grannie was here.

Frannie had invited her parents. But they were in Thailand on business. When she got that message, I’d seen her face.

I knew that even now, it fucking hurt her.

I’d never wanted to hit a woman before, but Frannie’s mother deserved a good slap. I was furious with her parents, but a mother who couldn’t be bothered to attend her own daughters wedding?

I found that disgusting.

but I had her covered. Scratch that, Nev and I had her covered. Nev’s mom had taken on all the mother of the bride duties. Nev was the most generous and enthusiastic bridesmaid ever. Even Clay had insisted on first class tickets back from Japan for the wedding and then on our honeymoon, all the way in Capri.

Apparently, their company had a resort there too.

And my people had shown up for her too.

My uncle Flannery and my dad were walking her down the aisle.

They loved her. They definitely approved of her influence. I’d been working my ass off, learning more about engineering over there. I’d signed up for classes and one of the professors had recognized my abilities. I’d gotten an internship at a Japanese car company, that had quickly turned into a job in the design department.

I fucking loved it.

I loved designing so much, I was still in school. Not that Frannie ever had to pry me away from my work to have sex with her.