If Frannie did that to me… I’d do the same damn thing.

Fuck, I’d make the whole party wait!

I handed her a glass of champagne. It was too classy for me, but it got the job done. And I wanted her relaxed.


She took the glass and sipped, giggling.

“I’ve had quite a bit of this already today, Jace.”

“Not a big drinker, huh?”

“Not since the time Nev and I stole a bottle of scotch from one of Mr. Westland’s parties. I was so sick!”

I smiled at her, leaning on the blanket.

“That’s okay. It’s a special occasion.”

I pulled out the remote control Clay had given me.

“What is that?”

“Just watch.”

I pressed the button and waited.

In an instant the area at the bottom of the slope lit up with the stationary fireworks display.

It said four words. Each word lighting up one at a time.

Chapter Ninety-Three






She jumped to her feet in shock. Her mouth was open. Her hands were on her cheeks. She was staring in awe at the magnificent display Clay and I had come up with.

I knew she was overwhelmed. I saw her shoulders shaking and thought she was crying. Tears of joy, of course.

She almost fell backwards laughing her ass off.

I was a little offended by that.

“What, it’s not romantic enough?”

She was laughing too hard to answer me.


She abruptly stopped laughing, clued in by the tone of my voice.

Then she noticed that I was kneeling.

And the ring in my hand.

Now she really looked surprised.

“Francine,” I said. I finally had her attention. “I love you, Francine.”

Her eyes were wide as she stared at me.

“Will you marry me?”

Her eyes filled with tears and she started crying. Silly girl still couldn’t seem to talk. At least she wasn’t laughing anymore, I thought wryly.

Then she was on her knees and in my arms kissing and squeezing me tighter than I’d ever been squeezed.

“Christ, woman! Is that a yes?”

“Yes, Jace. Yes, I will marry you.”

Well, thank fucking God!

I smiled at her tenderly, brushing her hair away from her beautiful face.

“I love you, Francine soon-to-be-not-Turner.”

Chapter Ninety-Four


I stared down at the ring on my hand. Jace had somehow spoken to my Gran before we left, and she had given him her ring. It meant more to me than he could know.

She had given her approval.

The ring was simple gold, with a pearl surrounded by tiny diamonds.

Nothing overly ornate or expensive. What my grandfather had been able to afford before he made his fortune. My grandmother had never taken it off. No matter how many jewels he bought her, that simple ring was her favorite.

Sweet. Pure. Honest.

Like my Jace.

He’d looked offended when I laughed at his fireworks display.

He didn’t look offended now.

He was too busy trying to get my dress off of me.


He grunted and continued fiddling with the little buttons that ran up the back and side of my dress.

“Wait until we get upstairs, please.”

He frowned at me, looking like a little kid who was afraid of losing his favorite toy.

“Do I have to?”

“Yes! There are still people everywhere!”

He looked up and noticed the party planners were removing the set up from the wedding. He nodded, sighing heavily. That’s when he got knocked on his ass.

Clay and Nevada had arrived.

“Be careful, Clay!” I squealed, worried about Jace’s injuries.

“Sorry, man. I had to do that.”

Nevada hugged me.

“I’m so happy for you, Frannie! Congratulations!”

“Shouldn’t you guys be having your wedding night?”

Nevada blushed.

“We were but I insisted we come down when I saw the fireworks. He didn’t even warn me!”

She glared at Clay. He was shirtless and she was wearing a silk robe.

I glanced at her wrist. The belt of her robe was tied around it.

“Clay up to his old tricks?”

She blushed again.

“If I’d known marriage would be like this-…” She leaned forward and whispered to me. “I’d have done it sooner!”

We laughed and linked arms, walking back to the house.

“Where are you going, woman?”

I ignored Jace. Nevada took pity on them and waved.

“See you inside!”

I heard running footsteps behind me. Then both Nev and I were lifted off our feet. They carried us inside.

The two of them were cave men! There was no other word for it.

Nev was laughing as Clay carried her up the staircase.

“See you in the morning!”

I waved at her, both of us upside down.

Jace didn’t put me down until we were alone in our guest room. He tossed me on the bed and then locked the door. He started pulling his clothes off as he walked towards me.

There was a glint in his eye I didn’t quite trust.

“Jace… what are you…”

He held up his tie.

“Give me your hands, sweetheart.”

I shrieked and ran to the bathroom, shutting the door behind me. I locked it.

“You can’t lock me out. I’m your fiancé!”

I was trying not to laugh as I stared in horror at the door knob. It was jiggling.

Abruptly it got very quiet.