I decided then and there that I would try that style at home myself someday. Wherever that home might be. Japan with Jace. Or… here. With Jace.

Because no matter what, I knew I was going to be with him.

Home… for the first tie in my life the word didn’t sound so empty.

Now it meant Jace.

I smiled and titled my head back as the makeup artist applied a thin line of shadow above my eyes. We had our nails done, and a pedicure while we sipped champagne and snacked on fruit so we didn’t get too hungry before the ceremony.

Then there was the jewelry.

Saphires and diamonds. Her necklace a massive bib style with matching bracelet and earrings that also had tear drop pearls, in addition to the priceless gemstones.

And true to form, Clay had gotten me a matching, slightly less spectacular necklace, earrings and bracelet as well. The card inside the box had said ‘So you always remember. Now you are really my little sister, Fantastic.’

They were not on loan. They were a gift. A priceless gift.

It was a few hours later when I stood behind Nevada, both of us staring in awe at the mirror.

She wore an ornate, pearl encrusted strapless gown with a sweetheart neckline and a wide satin band around the waist. Then it belled out to an enormous skirt and full train.

She looked like a fairytale princess come to life.

My dress mimicked hers, in a soft pale blue. The neckline was sweetheart, with two tiny fluttery sleeves that brushed my upper arms. My dress also had a banded waist and full skirt. Just not quite as full.

I also kind of looked like a princess.

We hugged each other carefully and made our way downstairs.

The house was quiet. Everyone was outside, waiting on the wide lawn for the bride to appear.

At the french doors that led to the veranda I paused, turning to look into my best friend’s eyes.

“You ready?”

Nev smiled at me, nodding.

“I’m ready.”

One of the maids handed us each a bouquet.

I opened the doors and walked forward to wait.

A moment later the music started and I started the long walk down the pale blue carpeted aisle.

I saw Jace standing by the front. He looked so handsome in the borrowed tux. It was almost funny how much he fit in with Clay. They almost looked like brothers.

Not that it was a bad thing.

Jace’s eyes were wide open. He looked utterly shocked as I walked past him. I winked and he blinked at me.

I turned and waited for Nevada to begin. The moment she did, the crowd hushed.

She stepped into the sunlight and I felt goosebumps break out all over my arms.

She was the most beautiful bride I’d seen in my life.

Chapter Ninety


This fucking tux is driving me insane.

That was the last thing I’d said before the ceremony started. Frannie’s guy Jace had been standing near by, keeping me company along with the crew of my usual cronies.

The last thing I’d said was a complaint.

The fucking tux was itchy as fuck for some reason.

But none of that mattered once I saw Nevada step out of the house.

My breath caught in my throat.

How could anyone be that beautiful?

It seemed impossible.

Even more impossible that someone so beautiful, so perfect inside and out could love me.

Fuck me, if I hadn’t hit the fucking jackpot!

Instantly I was filled with equal parts of bliss and fear, as I often was around Nev.

The bliss was obvious. Any guy would feel bliss. But the fear…

The fear had to do with losing her. Not measuring up.

I had to be good enough for her. I had to protect her. I had to keep her.

She is mine dammit.

At least now it would be official. And it would be a whole lot harder for her to leave me. Not impossible, just harder. I had to make sure she never, ever wanted to.

She walked towards me, taking one long slow step at a time. They were supposed to do that. I was very tempted to run down there, scoop her up, and toss her over my shoulders.

Then we could fucking get on with it!

The sooner the ceremony was over, the sooner I could start my honeymoon.

Nev had refused to fuck me all week. I was dying for her at this point. My nuts felt like they were going to explode.

I pushed down my inner caveman.

Nevada would be mad if I messed up her wedding.

Must not make Nevada mad.

Must… not…

Oh to fucking hell with it.

I grinned at my startled bride as I bore down on her.

Chapter Ninety-One


One minute I was walking down the aisle, my mother, Clay and Frannie standing at the front waiting for me. Mr. Westlake had offered to walk me down the aisle. But I’d wanted to do it alone.

I was stronger than the little girl I’d been.

The one that wanted her absent daddy.