“But no bachelorette parties for you!”

I rolled my eyes.

“Nev is not like that. But we are having a girls night. I’m sure Clay will invite you to his stag night.”

His eyes were closed now. His breathing heavy. I wasn’t sure he had heard me.

Then I heard him whisper something that made me know he had.

“Not a stag. I’m… a… bull…”

Chapter Eighty-Two


Holy shit.

I stared around the house we were staying at for the week, trying to get my bearings. It was even bigger than Frannie’s house.

Much, much bigger.

It really wasn’t even just a house. There were a bunch of other, smaller buildings as well.

Her place had looked like a country club. This place looked like a fucking hotel. A big ass five star one.

The floor in the entrance way was marble. The columns looked that way too.

I was definitely out of my element.

But I’d promised Frannie not to hate Clay on sight.

According to her, he was a good guy.

Growing up like this, I imagined someone spoiled rotten. But Frannie had changed by opinion of rich folk permanently. They could hurt just like the rest of us. They could be sweet and kind and caring, like my girl.

They just did it with better shit around them.

Like that pool. And the entertainment room.

And the fucking bowling alley in the basement.

I shook my head. That was definitely a first.

“Come on, you want to swim?”

I nodded. I didn’t really want to swim.

But I did want to see Frannie in a bikini.

I was not amused when she pulled out a one piece tank suit.

“Don’t you have anything skimpier?”

She rolled her eyes at me.

“You are supposed to be recovering, not getting hot and bothered!”

“I’m always hot and bothered around you. Give me something to look at. Besides you said maybe tonight you would take mercy on me.”

She laughed and then nodded.

“I did say that didn’t I? I’ll ask Nev if she has anything.”

I grinned and laid back in the plush armchair I was sitting in. I could wait if there was a skimpy bathing suit in my future. She’d found me swim trunks from somewhere. Unused.

Apparently they just kept extras hanging around.

Like I said. This place was a hotel.

Frannie was back in a few minutes. Her cheeks were red. She had something behind her back.

“Did you get one?”

“Yes but…”

“No buts. Show me.”

She held up a red polka dot bikini that made my heart do a little flip flop.

“I’m not sure I can do this.”

“Oh hell yes, you can.”

I waited while she went into the attached bathroom to change. Every bedroom in this house had a bathroom. All twenty seven of them. Or was it twenty eight?

How crazy was that?

My mouth went dry as Frannie walked out of the bathroom. Her hair was covering her shoulders but the rest of her was proudly on display. Big, high tits. Tiny waist. Juicy as hell hips and curvy legs that didn’t quit.


She frowned, looking nervous.

“I need a cover up.”

“No. You definitely don’t.”

She bit her lip and pulled a sheer scarf out of her bag, wrapping it around her hips. She still looked half naked. I liked it.

I liked it a lot.

“Let’s go.”

“What about the boner you just gave me?”

She gave me a look.

“I’m sure the cold water will take care of that.”

I grumbled but followed her out of the house, my eyes on her gorgeous backside.

I highly doubted anything would take care of my boner.

Except her.

Chapter Eighty-Three


I splashed Jace where he lay on the lounge chair by the side of the pool. He smiled and winked at me. He was just watching me, not saying anything. I couldn’t tell if he was being protective or getting a thrill from doing it.

It didn’t really matter though.

“Heads up, Frantastic!”

A blur sailed through the air, landing in the deep end and making an enormous splash. It was Clay. Of course. He’d always known how to make an entrance.

Nevada was standing by the pool side laughing.

“You must be, Jace.”

I watched Jace stand and shake hands with Nevada. I half expected him to fall in love with her on sight.

Most guys seemed to.

But he just smiled at her in a friendly way and shook her hand. His eyes swiveled back to me immediately. I got a warm feeling inside when he looked at me and not her.

“Clay, get out here and say hi to Jace.”

“Hey man, heard a lot about you. Jump in!”

“Yeah, okay.”

I cringed as Jace climbed down the ladder. He was supposed to be taking it easy.

“Be careful with him, Clay. He’s broken.”

“Yeah, yeah.”

Clay splashed Jace. Jace splashed him back. There was an immediate explosion of water spraying everywhere.

I had to laugh. They were such children.

I climbed out of the pool to lay out with Nevada. We started oiling each other’s backs with sunblock.

That’s when I noticed that there was zero sound coming from the pool all the sudden.