It took some digging but within ten minutes I’d found out what had happened.

And I was done tutoring for the day.

I apologized to the kids and left, riding hell for leather to the shop. Frannie had gone home apparently. Her Grandmother was sick. Or worse. Dying maybe.

I had a terrible feeling that she’d driven all the way from Southern California up North where she grew up. I was not fucking amused. I told her over and over that her car wasn’t safe for anything other than toddling around on local streets.

It was not highway ready.

Visions of her mangled on the pavement, trapped in the crumpled car, or stuck on the side of the road flew through my head. The girl might be in trouble. Hurt. Dead.

Goddamn it!

I strode into Flannery’s office and grabbed the keys to his best racer. He raised his eyebrows at me. I just shook my head.

“I need to go to Sonoma. Now.”

“Seriously? You are going to miss all the races this weekend.”

“It’s Frannie.”

“She okay?”

“No. I need to see her.”

“Okay man, you got it,”he said, lifting up his hands. “I liked her a lot.”

I nodded. I liked her too. More than that. What exactly I was feeling wasn’t clear to me. But at the moment whatever it was fucking sucked.

“Oh and Jace?”


“Don’t fuck this up. She’s a keeper.”

“Yeah, she is,” I said, realizing it was true. I wanted Frannie for real. I wanted her for keeps. “Thanks, man.”

I slid into the car, pulling my phone out to message her.

If you drove that piece of shit all the way to Sonoma I am going to be pissed.

I leaned back in the seat, thinking for a second. Then I tapped out another note.

I’m coming for you Frannie. Get ready.

Then I drove off into the fucking sunset.

Chapter Seventy-One


I stared at my Gran’s face. Her eyes were open for the first time in days. Not only that, but she recognized me.

“She’s going to be okay. She’s a fighter.”

I nodded at the nurse who was checking Gran’s vitals.

“The infection is under control now. But she’s weak.”

She pulled me into the hallway.

“You need to prepare yourself, honey. This sort of thing might become the norm. She’s not going to live forever.”

“Okay. Thank you for taking such good care of her.”

“You are a sweet girl. I know she wouldn’t want you to put your life on hold next time.

The nurse smiled and touched my shoulder. I sighed and walked back in to sit with Gran. I knew she was right.

“Do you want me to read to you?”

Gran shook her head. I could tell she was getting tired again. It was so good to see the old Gran present in her eyes.

“Maybe I’ll let you rest. I’ll come back tomorrow before I drive back.”

I kissed her soft cheek and left, grabbing my bag. It was hard to leave her. Hard knowing that she wouldn’t live forever.

But I was a big girl. I didn’t believe in fairy tale. This was real life after all.

My phone was dinging. It was muffled through my purse, so I hadn’t heard it earlier.

I had a bunch of texts. Nevada. My mom, belatedly asking if Gran was still alive. I shook my head at her heartless question. I decided not to write back, knowing she would call the nursing home eventually. I couldn’t believe my mother was not sitting here by her own mother’s side. But, at the same time, I wasn’t really surprised.

My jaw dropped when I saw the other messages.

Two new texts from Jace.

If you drove that piece of shit all the way to Sonoma I am going to be pissed.

I’m coming for you Frannie. Get ready.

My heart was pounding in my chest. A third text appeared as I was staring at my phone.

You’re mine.

I’m waiting.

I walked outside in a daze. I knew he was here before I saw him. Jace was leaning on the hood of Flannery’s car.

He drove all the way here.

My mind was spinning about that. Never mind the look on his face. He looked focused. Possessive. And pissed.

Really, really pissed.

He walked towards me, his eyes blazing. I stepped backward in alarm. My instincts were telling me that I was the rabbit and he was the wolf.

I wanted to run. I also couldn’t take my eyes off of him and he strode towards me. He was furious. And sexy as hell.

Maybe that’s why my feet seemed to be frozen to the sidewalk.

He came at me, not stopping to say hello. No, he just grabbed me and tipped me slightly backward so I was nearly off my feet. Then he kissed me.


Right in the middle of main street.

Oh. My. God.

His arms were around me, his hands sliding over my back to grab my hips. His tongue dove into my mouth again and again. And God help me, I was kissing him back.