He brushed my hair away from my face. The way he was looking at me was hot… and tender.

“I know that, Francine Turner.”

I gawked at him.

“How did you know my name?”

He grinned.

“Triple A, babe. That’s where I meet all my women.”

I laughed. He was ridiculous. I was either blushing or laughing around him non-stop.

I liked it. I liked it a lot.

He leaned in to kiss me as his phone went off.

“Now, where were we?”

We kissed for a moment, our lips and tongues dancing.

His phone beeped again.

“Aren’t you going to get it?”

“Hell, no.”

I shoved his chest.

“Go on, it could be important.”

He shrugged, pulling his phone out. It was important. I could tell by the way his eyes changed when he saw the text.

“What is it?”

“Flannery.” He glanced at me before clarifying. “My uncle. He wants me to race.”


“Yeah, looks like there’s a big pot going. But I’m taking you home instead.”

“No, let’s go.”

He looked at me with that crooked smile of his.

“You’re sure?”

I nodded firmly. If we were going to be… seeing each other, I wanted to know everything. I wanted a glimpse into his world.

“Yes. I want to see.”

He gave me that lopsided grin again.

“Well, alright then.”

Chapter Sixty-One


I waved at Frannie through the window of the car. She was perched on my bike with Flannery on the sidelines. Not too close though.

that wouldn’t be safe.

Nothing about this was safe.

Having a girl I liked this much wait for me was new. One I wanted to keep safe. Driving with a raging hard on was also a first.

My dick was still fucking hard from the beach. Just looking at her standing over there made me get harder. At this point you could cut glass with my cock.

All because of one hot little virgin.


What kind of crazy ass world was this that a gorgeous girl like that could get through like un-fucked?

Not that I was sorry about that.

I was fucking stoked.

I grinned to myself as I revved the engine. I was one thousand percent not sorry. It sucked that I couldn’t take her home and fuck her till dawn, yes.

But that I would be the first?

That was infuckingcredible.

Maybe it was some caveman shit but the thought of being the first to take her all the way was intoxicating. Fuck, it was hot as hell! So what if it took a little extra time to get there?

Not too much time I hoped. A couple of days. I could wait a couple of days but that was it. A week, tops. After that my dick was going to turn to stone.

Or fall off.

I took another glance over at Frannie. Her long legs draped gracefully over my bike. Her posture was relaxed and she still put all the girls here to shame with that rack. Her pretty little face was all lips and eyes.

She looked like a God damn blow up doll.

And she was mine.

Without a doubt, I was going to have her. Not just that either.

I was keeping her.

I turned my head just in time to see the flag drop and I was off. All the built up aggression, all the heat that she’d stirred up, it all went straight out of my cock, down my legs and into the gas pedal.

Zoom zoom motherfuckers.

Chapter Sixty-Two


It was chilly out here on the flats.

I wrapped my arms around me and smiled at Jace’s uncle. He was handsome, like Jace, with the same green eyes and sturdy build. He had a leg that twisted inward that meant he needed a special car to drive that used his left foot and hands.

He was explaining all the things he did differently to me as we waited for the race to start.

“And of course, when I make love to a woman, there need to be adjustments made.”

I couldn’t help laughing. The man was incorrigible. He was as vocal as Jace was quiet.

“Because of your leg?”

“No, because of my third leg.”

I slapped my hand over my mouth in surprised laughter.

“I walked right into that one, didn’t I?”

He nodded and pulled two beers from his cooler.

“Uh huh. You did. Let’s see what else you can walk into.”

He popped the top of the bottles and handed me one. I took a sip and closed my eyes. I wasn’t much of a drinker but the cold beer tasted perfect on a hot summer night.

When I opened them again a girl was standing in front of me.

Not a girl, a woman.

She was looking me up and down with a sneer on her heavily made up face.

I realized I was doing the same thing to her, minus the sneering. Of course, she was hard not to look at. She looked like a model from a music video. Her jeans were skin tight and cut open on both sides, held together by black laces. The laces criss crossed up her long, thin legs ending in bows at her ankles.