In my fantasies, he was my boyfriend.

Yeah right, Frannie.

He looked up and caught me staring. He gave me what I could only describe as a devastating smile. My heart melted.

So did the spot between my legs.

I forced myself to concentrate on something else. Anything else.

A young girl opened the door, staring around nervously. I recognized the look in her eyes. I had felt the same way every time I walked into a new classroom.

“First time?”

She nodded shyly. I held out my hand.

“I’m Frannie.”

“My name’s Vanessa.”

I spent the next hour creating a file on Vanessa and getting her set up with study hours. I was surprised to find out she was almost seventeen. She looked like a kid to me.

I had been that same age just a few years ago… and far more awkward. I liked working with these kids, I realized. It was a dream job really. Other than the sketchy neighborhood.

Although maybe that was what made this job feel so satisfying. They needed me more than rich kids and business people wanting to learn english in Japan…

It was kind of heartbreaking to realize that most of these kids called this area home.

The rest of the day passed quickly. Before I knew it the sky outside was turning pink. I was working on the files again when I heard a gravelly voice that sent chills down my spine.

“You ready?”

I looked up to see Jace leaning on my desk. Everyone else had cleared out. We were alone.


“Let’s get out of here.”

“What do you mean?”

He held up a pair of keys.

“You want your car back, don’t you?”

“Oh, is it ready? I don’t have my check book with me…”

“That’s okay, you need to change first anyway.”


“The price of these keys is coming out with me tonight.”

My mouth must have dropped open. He wasn’t kidding. He really was going to blackmail me into going out with him?

But then I saw the twinkle in his eye and laughed.

He was joking. I could turn him down if I wanted to.

But I didn’t want to turn him down.

I smiled up at Jace, wondering if I was losing my mind.

Realizing I didn’t care if I was.

“Okay, let’s go.”

Chapter Fifty-Nine


I threw my arm over the back of the seat and looked to the side, letting my eyes slide over her body. Frannie didn’t seem to notice. Her hands were gripping the bar that had locked us into place in the Ferris wheel seat.

I leaned back and watched her as the ride started to spin.

She looked like a little kid, nervous and excited. Her cheeks were pink and her eyes sparkled when she turned to look at me.

“I thought you didn’t like Ferris wheels.”

“I don’t! I’m petrified.”

I grinned at her.

“I’ll protect you.”

She laughed as if that were the wittiest thing I could have said. I laughed too, her laughter was that infectious. As soon as we got to the top of the wheel I slid over to her. Her face was startled as she looked into my eyes. My eyes lowered to her soft inviting lips.

I leaned in and tilted my head, angling my mouth against hers.

Her lips felt like pillows underneath mine. Warm and soft and sweet. Her breath mingled with mine as I slowly eased into the kiss, nibbling and licking her until she opened her mouth.

Then the kiss went wild.

My hands reached for her hips as I pulled her against me. Her breasts mashed against my chest and I moaned, diving back into her mouth to tangle my tongue with hers.

I felt like my dick was a fucking rocket, it was so ready to lift off.

The next thing I knew the ride had stopped and a crowd of people were staring at us. I guess we didn’t notice. I wanted the ride to go on and on. As it was I had to hold my jacket in front of me as I climbed out.

I glanced at Frannie. Her pretty lips were swollen and pouting. I wanted to get horizontal with her right fucking now.

Jesus Christ, what is she doing to me?

The girl had the moves that was for fucking sure.

I took her hand and pulled her toward the boardwalk, desperately looking for a place to be alone with her. She smiled at me shyly. There was an innocence in her gaze that made me absolutely sure that she had no fucking clue what I had in mind.

I had a sinking feeling that Frannie was a good girl. That her innocence might be a problem. That it might take more than a Ferris wheel ride to get into her pants. It wasn’t going to stop me from trying though.

I knew something else too.

I knew it without a doubt.

This girl was going to be mine.

Chapter Sixty


I couldn’t believe I was here. On a date. With Jace.

The most gorgeous guy I had ever laid eyes on.