
And cool.

A far cry from Mouse. Or the girl who slung cocktails in a strip club. But I was all of those people and more.

I wasn’t going to forget it either.

The church was filled to the brim with people. I recognized a lot of them from the club. Usually they ignored me. Today they were all smiling.

Apparently, even rich assholes had picked up on the fact that Claire was a horrible person.

The organist began playing and I stared down the aisle, craning my neck with the rest of the guests.

My mother appeared in a white dress that would put a fairy princess to shame. High waisted, with a bustier covered in pearls. The floating full skirt trailed out behind her. Her hair was twisted up artfully on top of her head. She wore her mother’s wedding ring on a blue ribbon. You would never notice it unless you knew it was there in her shiny curls.

But I knew.

Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue.

I’d ‘loaned’ her the silk ribbon after Frannie and I came up with the plan and went shopping. Just to make sure we had our bases covered. Unfortunately, it had made her cry so hard that her makeup had to be reapplied.

I glanced at Mr. Westfield. He looked ecstatic. He should be counting his lucky stars. He’d gotten a second chance with my mom. I’m not sure I would have given him one.

Apparently he’d been after her for years. Professing his love. Buying her gifts which she’d returned. She’d kept him at arm’s length even though she’d had feelings for her boss. But he was married.

Finally things had come to a head and they’d had one night together. But my mom had immediately regretted it. And Mr. Westfield had behaved like an ass, offering to set her up in a condo.

Things had already been extremely strained by the time Claire found Clay and I in bed together.

So in a weird way, what happened had been a good thing. Of course, at the time I wanted to murder him. And kiss him, among other things.

All at the same time.

Love was funny that way.

I watched the ceremony with misty eyes. Clay kept giving me warm looks. I knew what he was thinking.

He was thinking of our wedding day.

He’d turned out to be entirely devoted to me. More than devoted.


I felt cherished, admired, respected and above all, desired.

I had to admit it was nice. Especially since he had my heart as well.

I tried not to cry during the ceremony, though I definitely sniffled a bit. I cheered with everyone else as the pastor pronounced them ‘man and wife!’

I smiled at Clay over my bouquet as he escorted me down the aisle behind the bride and groom. Outside we were swarmed by well wishers and people looking for gossip.

Nosey Parkers, as my mother called them.

One of the guests lifted my hand to stare at the enormous yellow diamond engagement ring I wore.

“You’re next, dearie!”

I shook my head. Not for a couple of years. And it would be nothing as big as this. Clay and I agreed on that. We wanted something small, intimate.

Maybe someplace tropical on a beach.

Besides, being engaged was enough for now.

I had stuff to do. Like graduate.

Six months later


I sighed, rubbing my neck. I was determined to do well on my exams. The semester had gone by so fast. It was already getting chilly out. Well, chilly for Southern California.

Something touched my foot.

I kicked my foot in the air and turned the page. I’d had such a heavy class load the fall semester that I’d used post it notes instead of highlighting. Besides, I was forever frugal and planned to sell my books back to the bookstore.

That sort of thing always made Clay laugh. I asked him what he did with his books when he was done. He honestly hadn’t known.

Something tickled my foot again. And then my ear. And then a heavy weight landed on me.

“Oof! Clay!”

He was kissing my neck as he pressed into my back. His hands started wandering almost immediately. He was incorrigible, really.

How much sex could one man have?

“Come on, Nev, we have to pack.”

“I’m almost done.”

He turned me over and braced his hands on either side of my head, forcing me to look up at him. He was grinning. But he was also serious as fuck.

“Nev. We are leaving for Paris immediately after your exam. You’ve been studying for weeks. You’re ready. Also, we need time to–”

“Do not say ‘fuck’.”

“Make love. We need time to make love.”

I rolled my eyes.


“Twice in one day does not a satisfied Clay make.”

I laughed as he started unbuttoning my top.

“Are you ever going to slow down?”

He was kissing the tops of my breasts as he undid my jeans.


He started pulling my jeans off and froze.

“Well, maybe in twenty years or so.”