“Nev? Come with me?”

My boss was watching. I could tell by the look in his eyes that I was fired. I stepped around the writhing body on the concrete and put my hand in Clay’s.

What else could I do?

Chapter Thirty-Five


“Ouch! Careful, Nev!”

I was bitching, but I was loving every second of her tender loving care. We were sitting on my car down by the lake. We’d stopped at a convenience store for first aid and a six-pack of beer.

She gave me a look that clearly said ‘hold still and shut up’ so I did. I did love being tended to by such a pretty nurse. I had a few cuts and scrapes from tangling with Matt but it was mostly my hand that was messed up.

I’d hurt it where I’d smashed his stupid face.

It was so, so worth it though.

So far it was a very good day. Winning the tournament was just the icing on the cake. No, the best part was that Nevada was here.

Talking to me.

Not hating me.

Even though she should.

I took her hand away from my face and kissed the inside of her wrist. She stared at me, clearly not sure if she was going to let me kiss her. I stared at her lips hungrily.

And then she sighed.

I was in. I knew it. Triumph filled my chest.

I fucking heard trumpets.

I pulled her between my legs and leaned down. I kissed her slow at first, holding her tight. But then the kissed deepened.

I grunted, already feeling my cock engorge with blood.

I poured all my love into that kiss. Every bit of longing I’d felt for her. It had always been her for me. She was it. And if I wasn’t brave enough to tell her that yet, at least I could show her.

It was a while later when I lifted my head, pulling her face to my chest. I just held her for a while. I was feeling supremely excellent, all things considered.

But I had one major problem.

No bed.

“Nev, can I take you somewhere?”

She lifted her cheek from my chest and stared at me.

“I don’t know if that’s a good idea, Clay. Besides, where would we go?”

I smiled at her hopefully.

“A hotel?”

She rolled her eyes at me. But then she nodded.

“As long as it’s not the Sunset Inn.”

I brushed her hair away from her face and nodded. I picked up my phone and found a five star hotel about twenty minutes away. I opened her door for her and jumped into the drivers seat.

I drove to the hotel like devil was on my tail. Maybe he was. Not being with her this week, not knowing if I’d ever get to hold her again, well to me, that was hell.

Chapter Thirty-Six


I looked around the swanky hotel room. There was a king sized bed, as well as a seating area with a gas fireplace. The balcony looked out over the countryside with a spectacular sunset.

Clay came up behind me and started kissing my neck, sliding his hands all over me.

I sighed. I knew it was wrong to be meeting him like this. To be here, when my mom was stuck in a filthy motel room because of me.

But I couldn’t help it. I could not resist him. I could not resist his touch.

This was inevitable.

But it was the last time.

My heart ached at the thought. I wanted him. I wanted him so badly. But he was dangerous for me. I knew that it wouldn’t last anyway. And while it did, Clay would be bashing people in the nose for me.

We weren’t good for each other, no matter how much we might want to be.

So this was it. This was goodbye.

Maybe that’s why it was so different. Maybe Clay could sense that this was the last time, even though I hadn’t said it out loud. He was touching me so gently, so tenderly. I’d always wondered what the difference between fucking and making love was.

Now I knew.

Slowly, he undressed me. I was wearing my club uniform so it should have been quick but it wasn’t. He kissed each inch of my skin as it came into view.

Then he started to touch me, tease me, like only he knew how to do. I knew I would never feel anything like this again, so I tried to savor it, to memorize the feelings.

But it was too hard to concentrate on anything. He lingered over me endlessly, making me climax twice with his hands and mouth. When he finally slid inside me, I was so ready, so turned on, that I came instantly.

I shuddered as he began his slow assault on my senses. Featherlight touches as he held himself above me, driving his cock into me again and again. He moved with precision, each thrust ending with an upward tilt of his hips, until the tip of his cock touched my womb.