I decided to try something different. I rolled over, putting her on top. Her sweet little mouth made a surprised ‘O’ as she stared down at me. I reached up, stroking her tits. Her head fell back and she started to move.

Smart girl.

She picked things up real quick, my Nevada.

And she was that.


My eyes were glued to her beautiful body as she undulated on top of me. Dear Jesus, this was hot. Why hadn’t I thought of this before? Now I could feel her and watch her.

It was a double whammy.

I caught the reflection of us in the mirror over my dresser. I could see my legs and balls and meat as it slid in and out of Nevada’s perfect fucking backside.

Jesus, what an ass.

Make that a triple whammy.

I grabbed her hips and started to drive my cock upwards into her body. Her hands came down to steady herself as I started to jackhammer. I couldn’t help it. It felt too good.

I loved the way her tits jiggled when I fucked her.

I loved the way her pussy felt.

I loved the sweet way she curled against me between sessions of unbelievably hot sex.

I loved every fucking thing about her.

All the air left my chest as I felt myself starting to cum. I had wanted to make it last for a half hour or longer but when you gotta go, you gotta go.

My cock had a mind of it’s own and I had zero control when it came to Nevada.

I groaned in ecstasy as I felt load after load explode out of me. I painted her insides with my seed. It felt fucking amazing.

It felt fucking primal.

I wondered what it would be like to get her pregnant.

She was on the pill, I knew that. I’d assumed and then eventually asked. But I kind of wished she wasn’t.

I froze as my orgasm continued to pump cum into her.

I wanted to have a baby with her.

That was crazy. Everything about this was crazy. But it was true. I wanted Nevada Jones barefoot and pregnant. Under my roof. Permanently.

Maybe I was losing my mind.

I lifted her off me and went into the bathroom, staring at my reflection.

Chapter Twenty-Six


I lay there, utterly confused by the sudden change in Clay’s demeanor. He’d been staring at me like I was the most gorgeous thing he’d ever seen. Now he was barely looking at me.

Still, his arm was wrapped around my waist. It was like he was afraid to stop touching me. I tried to adjust it and he’d squeezed me, not letting me move.

Now, I was starting to get sleepy.

“I should go back.”

He didn’t say anything.

“Clay? It’s getting late. I need to go back or my mom will get worried.”

Again, he said nothing. I sighed deeply and tried to move his arm again. It felt like lead. Hot, sexy, bristling with muscles lead.

I couldn’t move.


That’s all he said. He just flat out refused to move. And then he started touching me and I forgot about my mom, or having to sneak out, or getting caught by the servants in the morning.

His fingers scooped up against my sex from behind. He didn’t move an inch, except to use his leg to lift mine, spreading me open.

Then he started teasing me.

Oh God.

I couldn’t stand up to this sort of thing for long. I was weak. At least where he was concerned. He knew it too.

I whimpered in need as he traced the outside of my pussy lips. A low laugh was his only response. He was still laying there, not looking at me, not talking. His face was buried in the back on my neck. I could feel his breath tickling the hair there.

I lost track of time as he played with me. He toyed with me for a long time, finally sliding his cock inside me from behind. Then he fucked me so slowly that I thought I would go insane.

His hand slipped to the front and found my clit. His cock slid in and out of me with excruciating control as he kept me on the edge of orgasm for an hour. Finally, he picked up his pace.

Something changed. He took his hand away and gripped my hips, thrusting into me hard. There was something almost desperate about it.

I opened my eyes and caught sight of us in the mirror. He was behind me. He didn’t know I could see his face.

He looked so raw it took my breath away. His face was twisted in what looked like abject despair. Like he knew he was going to hurt me and he didn’t want to.

Like he didn’t want this at all.

But he couldn’t help himself.

I came then, creaming all over his shaft. He twitched and shuddered behind me and unloaded into my pussy again. We lay there, still connected.

Never further apart.