Matt screamed and backed away, bent over. Blood was spurting from his nose.

“Mother fucker! You broke my nose!”

Clay stared at him.

“You’re lucky it wasn’t your shoulder, you asshole.”

“I will sue you. I will press charges!”

Everyone was quiet, watching us stand there. Matt sounded kind of whiney. Clay laughed and leaned down.

“You can try. It was worth it. Even though you threw the first punch and everyone here saw it. Good luck at the tournament, you fucker.”

Then he grabbed me and pulled me through the crowd to the edge of the woods. In a second, we were alone in the trees, and he let go of me. He turned and faced me, breathing heavily.


I stared at him, shocked at the look on his face. He wanted me, yes. But it was more than that. Something in his expression tugged at my heart.

He looked like he was drowning.

And I was a life raft.

He took two steps and pulled me into his arms. This time the kiss was raw but tender. Insistent. He held me as if I was something precious, his hands cupping my ass, my face, my chest and circling back.

Almost like he couldn’t get enough of me.

I felt the same way about him.

It was a while later when he lifted his head.

“I could eat you alive, Nevada. I swear I fucking could.”

I swallowed. I had no words for what I was feeling. The air felt like ice on my skin, I was so hot. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

“Let’s get out of here.”

I nodded silently. He pulled me back to the party and around the edge of the crowd to his car. Everyone was staring at us. Frannie. Brett. Danny. Even that Jen girl and her friends were there, watching silently.

Not surprisingly, Matt was nowhere to be seen.

Clay pulled me into his arms and kissed me deeply in front of everybody. He was marking me as his. I felt it in my bones. And I didn’t mind one bit.

Finally, he let go of me and smirked, glancing at the crowd.

“I think you better drive.”

I nodded and he threw me the keys. I looked around and saw Frannie watching with a shit eating grin on her face. She was more invested in our little romance than I was. Or she had been. Before I realized how much Clay actually cared about me.

“Frannie, can you get home without me?”

She nodded, her eyes wide.

“I’m fine. Go.”

“Text me! And don’t stay too long, okay?”

“I won’t.”

She grinned at me, wiggling her eyebrows.

“Have fun, Nevvie.”

Chapter Nineteen


I had her. After all these years of watching and waiting, I finally had her where I wanted her.

Nevada Jones was in my bed.

Well, technically she was still on it. Later on she’d be in it. Naked with the sheets all tangled up from fucking our brains out all night.

I could hardly fucking wait.

I was kissing her and touching her at will. Unfortunately for me, she still had her clothes on. I circled my hips against her, grinding my hard on into her little jean shorts. Never before had dry humping been so thrilling.

Or so fucking frustrating.

I lifted my head. It was time to get down to business.

It was time to get naked.

“The things I’m going to do to you, little girl…”

I started unbuttoning her top. I could not believe how many fucking buttons her cute little blouse had on it. I almost laughed in frustration.

“I hate this top. Too many buttons.”

Her eyes were wide as she watched me. I wondered if anyone had ever touched her the way I was. I doubted it very fucking much.

And she was loving every minute of it. I was too, other than the uncontrollable urge I had to plunge my cock into her right freaking now.

Holy Christ, this girl was going to drive me out of my mind.

Using as much dexterity as a fucking brain surgeon, I finally got her top open. I stared down at her. I’d never seen anything so beautiful in my life. So perfect. So pure.

Nevada was wearing a plain white bra. There was a tiny bit of lace at the edge of the cups and a rosebud right in the middle. Her honey colored skin was flawless as her breasts pushed up over the top of the bra.

Something inside me snapped. All the years of wanting her but never touching. All the years of pushing her around to hide what I was really feeling. All the fucking need inside me spilled over.

Basically, I lost my mind.

I was all over her, out of control. I didn’t have a game plan. I didn’t have a single thought in my head.

It was all just need.

“Nev… I want you. I want to…”

She nodded, giving me permission to proceed. I pulled her bra cups down and moaned at the sight of her perfect, perky, hand filling tits. She was blessed with the most devastating set of breasts I had ever seen in my life.