And I’d seen it all.

I couldn’t wait to teach her.

Hell, maybe she’d be able to teach me.

I took a swig from the bottle of bourbon I’d taken from my house. The staff knew to keep a case handy when I was in town. If I got too drunk to drive home I’d call the house and they would send someone to get the car in the morning.

But as of now, I was just starting to feel a buzz. The way I was feeling tonight, I needed to get much fucking drunker than this. And fast.

“Dude, look at your girl.”

Like a jack-in-the-box my head popped up. I knew I was fucking ridiculous. Especially if Brett had noticed my interest in Nev without me saying anything. But I didn’t care.

And then I saw her.

Nevada fucking Jones was here. And somehow, without even trying, she knew how to make an entrance.

With her chubby cute little friend in tow. Wearing those tiny little shorts and a soft looking blouse that skimmed over her curves. There was some sort of design on it. I squinted.

Flowers. It looked like tiny little flowers.

Every fucking guy here was staring at her. At her legs. And her ass.

God damn it.

I needed to buy her some new fucking shorts. Longer ones. Bermudas. And dresses. Ones that went down to her ankles.

Yeah, that was a great idea.

Then she could just show those legs off for me. In private.

In bed.

I was pleasantly contemplating that possibility when I saw a dude approaching her with three beers.

Fucking Matt.

I watched him hand her a beer and smile at her familiarly. Way too familiarly. He said something that made both girls laugh and my stomach clenched up.

I took another swig from my bottle and handed it to Brett.

Time to put a stop to this once and for fucking all.

I hoped Matt had good insurance. Because he was going to need it.

Chapter Eighteen


I sipped the beer that Matt had handed me. Frannie held hers, looking around apprehensively. We didn’t usually go to this kind of thing.

No. Never. We never went to this sort of thing.

Of course, in college I’d been to parties. But in high school we hadn’t been invited. Being an outsider is kind of a surreal experience in a rich town like this. And being poor, or lower-middle class, was being the ultimate outsider.

But apparently growing boobs made up for that.

I felt slightly disgusted by how easily I’d gained entree to their world. All I had to do was be somewhat pretty. It was kind of pathetic to be honest.

I glanced at Matt who was smiling at me with a warm look in his eyes. There were perks though. But he wasn’t one of them.

Not really.

I let him flirt with me, knowing it didn’t mean anything. Not to me anyway. I was a lost cause. No matter what I did, I couldn’t get Clay out of my mind.

Clay was arrogant yes, but I’d also seen a really strange look in his eyes when I’d pulled away the other night. He looked… lost. Like he needed me.

Yeah, right. He’s not a lost little boy. He’s an arrogant man. Just one that pushes your buttons. All your buttons.


I turned and saw Clay standing there. Speak of the devil and he will appear. And he was a devil, that much was certain. So why did my heart start to pound and my skin break out in goosebumps at the sight of him?

Matt chose this moment to slide his arm around my waist, pulling me against his side.

“What’s up, bro’?”

“I’m not your bro’ man. Why don’t you do yourself a favor and take your hands off of her?”

“She’s here with me, dude.”

I rolled my eyes. I wasn’t here with him really. Frannie had driven, despite multiple texts from Matt offering to escort us both. It kind of irked me to be honest, even though I knew he was just being nice.

Clay didn’t even look at him. He started at me, looking dangerously intoxicated. And jealous. I couldn’t help it. It sent a thrill through me.

“I want to talk to you, Nevada. Alone.”

He reached for me, grabbing my arm. Matt pushed him backwards. I gasped and moved away. I didn’t want them fighting over me.

“You guys, stop! This is ridiculous!”

But they were past hearing me. Clay grabbed Matts arm and twisted, pressing into his shoulder with the flat of his palm. I could barely hear what Clay whispered to Matt under his breath.

“I could dislocate it right now. End your career. Is that what you want?”

“Let go of me!”

“I’ll let go if you stay the fuck away from her.”

“If you fucking do it I’ll sue your ass. Your daddy won’t even have enough money to bail you out.”

Clay smiled and released him. Matt looked smug until he saw the fist coming for his face. I heard a crunch as Clay’s connected with Matt’s nose.