I’ve heard of a g-spot orgasm, and have always been a bit curious about them, but nothing could have prepared me for the feeling that my entire body is about to implode on itself.

“Felix,” I choke, “I…”

“Relax,” he hums, sending vibrations through me that I can barely handle.

Oh my God, I’m seriously about to explode. It feels like heat and liquid and energy are all pouring from my body and it’s nearly too much to take.

The pressure inside me is building quickly, as Felix moves my leg farther over his shoulder so that his arm is better positioned and he can finger me more deeply.

“Sorry, baby. I wouldn’t want to elbow you while we’re making love. That would be terribly unprofessional.”

He winks as his tongue presses flat against my clit, then I’m laughing and coming and screaming all at the same time. That shouldn’t be physically possible.

He licks and sucks harder, his fingers hitting that magical spot as I nearly pass out from such an intense climax and laughing at the same time.

I’ve never laughed this much with anyone, ever. I’ve never come this hard, or loved this much. The intensity between us is all consuming and I never thought I’d want to be part of a whole like thi

s, but it’s perfect.

As he kisses his way up my body, I clutch him desperately, yanking his mouth to mine.

“I love you.” The sound is muffled against my lips, so he pulls back to look into my eyes and says it again. “I love you, Tanis.”

I feel his words deeply, followed by a soft moan from the back of my throat. “I love you, Felix. Forever.”

Watching his expression carefully, I wonder. Should I have said that last word?

His smile is pure joy. “Yes, sweetheart. Forever.”

Felix grabs my hips, shifting me as he moves a pillow out of the way. I love the way he manipulates me so perfectly. How he always knows exactly how I need to feel.

Then he stops, kissing just under my ear until I gasp. “You’re so hot, baby. I need you so badly, but I don’t want to be rough with you. I want you to be in control.”

He sits up and leans back against the headboard, clearing the pillows before guiding me to straddle his lap. The feeling of my wet, needy pussy directly over his long, thick shaft is deeply arousing.

I look down to see a few drops of moisture escaping the large, round crown. Taking hold of his length, I skim my thumb over the tip, spreading the wetness so that my hand can slip and slide up and down him faster.

“The way you touch me makes my head melt every time,” he says, watching my hand move against his skin.

I love that he’s so open. So willing to share everything he’s thinking.

He massages my hips and thighs, pulling me close. Without even thinking, I guide the tip of his cock to my clit, rubbing back and forth against it, then slipping him slightly inside.

Felix holds my gaze as he cups my cheek in his palm, then grips my hip and slides slowly inside me. The eye contact alone is enough to make me cry, but feeling him being so careful with me…it feels like he’s claiming me. That we are already past the point of no return.

“Mine.” Even though his voice is quiet, the statement is deafening.

“Yes. Yours.”

Heat ripples through every inch of my body as I flex my thighs, gently moving up and down as I work him deeper.

Felix pulls me until our foreheads touch. “You feel so beautiful around me, Tanis. But you’re so tight. Is this comfortable for you?”

The fact that he is so concerned with every detail of my experience almost brings me to tears.

“It’s perfect,” I say, trying not to bite my lip as I lower my hips, stretching myself open until there’s nowhere else to go.

Feeling his thickness snug against my inner walls, how deep he is inside me, makes me begin to squirm almost uncontrollably. Gently raising and lowering my hips, I moan as I enjoy every long stroke, every thick inch.