It looks absolutely perfect. I almost close the laptop to save the battery, but then remember to read the entire email.
It honestly feels like my heart pounds for three beats, then stops.
The editor has enclosed a note that they have to send the files off by noon. So I need to approve this new layout by eleven, or they’re just going to use the old one.
If her name isn’t on her first piece of work, Tanis will be crushed. My only option is to approve it.
But staring at her name again, I realize that although I’ve heard her say her last name, I’ve never seen it written down.
Is it Johnson or Johnston? Or Johnstone? Argh .
Dear God, what if I get it wrong? Would having a misspelled name be even worse than not having it at all?
It’s already nine-forty-five am. Diving for my phone, the battery is still only at two percent, and I see that there’s a voice mail.
I listen in anguish as Tanis quickly tells me that she wonders if we’re moving too fast, and if both dating and working together may not be a good idea. She says that maybe we should spend a week apart to think things through, then meet for a coffee.
Normally, I would completely honor her request and simply send a text acknowledging that I received her message. But I have just over an hour to get her approval on this name, and I need to talk to her to do that.
Throwing on some clothes, I fire an email to the editors that they will be hearing from me by eleven, likely via phone.
Pitching my laptop into a bag, I grab a cable so I can charge my phone in the van and tear out the door. As soon as I begin driving, I call her office, but some woman named Marla says that she’s off today.
A long weekend. Tanis likes to take it easy on the weekends. She must be at home.
The van is parked in front of the huge window of the gym, so I wave to Dan before taking off. Fridays are pretty busy, so he won’t be needing it anyway.
Driving a bit too fast, I call Tanis, but there’s no answer. I leave a voicemail. “If you want to take a break, that’s fine, but I absolutely have to see you right now so that you can confirm the credits for the show. I need to verify that your name is spelled correctly. I’ll be at your apartment around…” I check the clock on the dashboard. “Ten-twenty. See you soon.”
It’s ten-eighteen when I knock on her apartment door, but there’s no answer. I grab my phone to send a text.
Me: I’m sorry it’s last minute – need your approval on the credits. At your apartment. Where are you?
No response.
I practically run back to the van, then call up a map of this neighborhood on my phone. Feeling like an absolute stalker, I look around and try to figure out where she might have gone.
I’ve never searched for a person before, and think back to every cop and detective show I’ve ever seen. Consider the person’s habits. Where might she go?
It could depend on how upset she still was.
Tanis seems so passionate about starting her creative career that it might be making her extra sensitive to the little details. Which might make my slipup completely unforgivable in her eyes, even if I do manage to find her in time.
A crushing pressure settles in the center of my chest.
I will find her. I have to. I’m not going to lose the love of my life to a stupid mistake like this.
I still have forty minutes or so.
~ Tanis ~