Instead of answering, she places her soft mouth against mine.
Our first kiss was full of passion and fire. This one feels different. She believes in us. She can feel this pull between us. That we are already real and solid.
When she pulls back, she smiles naughtily. “Even though the boyfriend news is a much bigger deal, I’m going to lead with the TV show, or they’ll never listen to anything else.”
“I’ve already warned my roommates about you,” I tell her with a grin.
“Warned?” she asks, with that beautiful raised eyebrow.
“You know…that you are the incredible new woman in my life, and they might see you around when I make you dinner, or if you stay over sometime.”
I wish the light was brighter, as I’m fairly certain she’s blushing slightly. “For the record, I won’t be rushing things in that department at all,” I say quickly. “It’s not like that. I just want to spend infinite amounts of time with you.”
She nods thoughtfully, and grows quiet.
If I’ve offended her already, I’ll kick myself. “Did I say something wrong?”
“No, it’s actually perfect that you said that.” Her hand slips from the back of my neck to rest on my chest. “I dated a guy in college for a few months, and when we finally went a little was terrible.”
Tanis can plainly see from the look of horror on my face that I’m thinking the worst. “No – nothing like that. It was just uncomfortable and embarrassing. Nothing felt natural.” Her hand grips my t-shirt. “I’m already comfortable with you. I already know that I’ll be able to relax...when it counts.”
My heart lurches forward in my chest as if it’s trying to touch her. I’m so thrilled that she’s opening up to me like this.
“Trust me, baby,” I say as I slide my fingertips along the back of her ear, “when you decide the time is right, I’m going to do everything in my power to make you completely comfortable. Everything will be up to you, okay?”
Damn, that smile of hers always goes straight to the quickly-tightening area in my jeans that I’m desperately trying to keep under control right now.
“I already know that we have more spark than I ever thought possible. I’m not worried in the slightest,” she says.
“Great,” I say brightly, starting to stand up. “Because there’s an air mattress in the back of the van.”
Her head falls back as she laughs so loudly it echoes all around us. “I swear, Felix, if I were a first date kind of girl, I probably would.”
I drop to one knee and grab her hands. “Tell me, sweetheart. What kind of girl are you?”
Her head tilts back and forth, considering. “I don’t know yet. We’ll have to find out together.”
“I can’t wait.”
~ Tanis ~
As I walk into Henry’s coffee shop, the smile I gave him is three times its usual size, and he notices immediately. “Tanis, how are you this evening?” he asks, grabbing my favorite blue mug and pouring my usual hazelnut coffee.
“Absolutely great. And you?”
Henry gives me a very strange glance as he leans forward and slides my mug across the counter. “I’ve been seeing that look recently from Claire and Diana. You’ve found someone, haven’t you?”
I have to force myself to stop giggling so that I can pick up the coffee without splashing. “Not just amazing coffee, but psychic powers too. You’re a great guy, Henry.”
He grins as he drops my cash into the till. “I assume you’re three minutes late so that you can make your dramatic entrance before your big news,” he chuckles.
Seeing Henry every week was like having an uncle, in a way. I don’t have any real uncles, but I’d like to think that they are supposed to be slightly teasing, a little over protective, and steady as a rock. Like Henry.
“There she is,” Elizabeth says as I join the table packed with my best friends. “You just missed the saga of Becca having to find a new manicurist.”
Becca points at her with a sharp hot pink nail, much shorter than her usual talons. Her overly dramatic pout was ridiculous.