He kisses my temple gently. “I’d like that. I know how small this place is, it means a lot. Thank you.”
Now that I completely believe in the permanence of us, it’s like there’s a stable base under me that is going to help me deal with any sort of stress. Any new situation.
I could take on the world. In just a few minutes.
“Why don’t you take a little nap, baby,” Felix murmurs softly, kissing the top of my head as he throws a sheet over us.
I’m too tired to form words, but nod into his shoulder, knowing that he’ll understand me completely.
My Felix always does.
~ Felix ~
~ Six Months Later ~
I absolutely love taking Tanis places she’s never been to before. She is extremely open minded, and always giggles uncontrollably when I take her somewhere odd for a date. Like bowling, or to a cartoon festival.
Hopefully today’s little excursion will elicit a lot more than laughter.
She finally gives up on the lack of good options as she flips through radio stations in the van, and plugs in her phone. The sound of soft surf pop plays through the aging speakers.
r /> For me, this is the life right here. My girl and I, taking off on yet another adventure. She just doesn’t happen to know how gigantic this one actually is.
Turning off the main road, we drive through a residential area, then I take a left down a side street that turns into a court. There are only three houses, spaced far apart.
“Well, it’s not a park,” Tanis laughs. “What are we doing here?”
As I pull into the driveway of the center house, she peers through the windshield at the large light gray brick dwelling. “Who are we visiting?” she asks. Then she takes another look at the pieces of safety tape that are still stuck across the windows. “Wait – is this house empty?”
I hurry around to her side of the van to help her out, and hold her hand as we go to the front door. Handing her a key, I kiss the top of her head. “Nothing is definite. But just in case, would you please do the honors?”
Although she looks very confused, she takes the key and lets us in.
The main floor is even more dramatic than the photos had led me to believe. Tall, coffered ceilings, beautiful finishes, and only a bit of dust from where the construction team is still finishing up. Their tools are still piled in the corner, and cans of varnish for the insides of the giant window frames are piled neatly.
Taking her hand, we stroll through the huge kitchen, where I picture us having breakfast with our kids someday. From the strange smile on her pretty little face, I can tell she’s thinking exactly the same thing.
“We’ve never talked about buying a house someday,” I said slowly. “And I know we’ve only been together six months, but everything is going really well, right?”
Those big blue eyes shine up with me. “Yes. Absolutely.”
My hand caresses her arm as I unlock the huge French doors that lead out of the kitchen and into the garden. “I’m thinking if we have the play area right in front of the doors in the kitchen window, we can keep an eye on the kids while we’re making dinner.”
Those beautiful lips fall open. “You’ve thought about us having kids?”
“Of course. But I don’t want us to be overwhelmed. I’m thinking one, maybe two tops. How do you feel about that?”
Tanis nods eagerly. “That’s exactly what I’ve always thought. Have one, and if all goes well, have a second two or three years later.”
We wander through the first floor, then go up to the second floor. There are three small bedrooms that could be for kids, a playroom, a home office. The primary bedroom has a large window with a built-in padded bench where Tanis can curl up and read.
“I can already picture you here on Sunday mornings, reading your book of the week,” I say softly, stroking my palm down her silky hair.
“Me too. Are you thinking of buying this place? Is there room for you to have a music studio in the basement?”
“Yes, but hold that thought.”