~ Tanis ~

For a few moments, I’m not sure whether I still think I need a little more time and space, or whether I should invite Felix in for a coffee and a good long chat.

The nervousness is still circling deep inside. Should I be angry or upset? He has clearly gone to great lengths to make sure the mistake with my name was fixed in time.

Come to think of it, he charged across town and hunted me down just to make sure that he hit the deadline.

I honestly can’t think of a single person in this world who has ever paid me so much attention. Who has ever cared for me so much.

The intensity of it still makes me uneasy, but this is likely because it’s so new. So delicate and fragile. I’m afraid to grab hold for fear I’ll break it.

Then I feel that Felix’s fingers are trembling as they hold mine.

Everything coiled up tight deep inside me begins to gently unfurl. He’s as frightened to lose me as I am to lose him. Or lose myself.

Finally I understand that Felix is part of me now. I don’t need to ever be totally alone again. If I ever had to, I could, of course. I could handle it. I just...don’t want to.

My mind tunes into my body, that is already stepping towar

d him. As the relief pours across his features, laughter bubbles out of me uncontrollably.

“I’m sorry,” I sputter, “You look so tense. Would you like to come in for coff–”

Rudely interrupting me with a slow, sultry kiss, I’m already moaning against his mouth.

“I’m sorry, baby,” he murmurs as his fingers tangle through my hair, holding my chest to his. “I can’t imagine what you must have been thinking. That I was trying to hide your work, or take credit for it, or who knows what.”

“I didn’t…I didn’t know what to think. I’m just so new with all of this stuff.”

“I’m here for you, Tanis. I want to teach you everything. Help you. I honestly can’t believe I made such a monumental error.”

“Gargantuan,” I whisper, then look up and smile.

His hand comes down to take hold of my hip, until we’re practically slow dancing right there on the sidewalk.

“I don’t miss details. Never. I’m devastated that I dropped the ball on this. But I swear, I’ll make it up to you. We will triple check everything together from now on.”

“You’ll work with me again? After I’ve proved myself to be such a delicate little basket case?”

His fingers slip along my cheek to cup my face, staring into my eyes. “You’re new at this, baby. I can feel how nervous you are. And how desperately you want to express yourself. Your work is incredible.”

His lips slip against mine in a feather light kiss. “And that’s not just my opinion. Everyone at the show was raving about your videos. I put together a list of contacts you can send your portfolio to who will all be delighted to get it. I can help you put it together, as well.”

“Thank you.”

“I feel terrible that I didn’t know how to spell your last name, baby,” he says sheepishly. “Most people have their full name in their emails, so I didn’t think about it.”

“Most men do. Some women don’t, for privacy. That’s why I’ve always just used a last initial.”

He runs a hand through his hair. “Well, thank goodness I have it now. I’ll be transferring you the money for the job on Monday.”

Funny, it had never occurred to me that I might be paid. I just wanted my art to be shown, to be seen.

“It’s not a lot,” he says, wrinkling his nose. “It’s from grant fund money.”

Then he says a number that is almost as much as my monthly rent.