I can feel a strange possessive pull toward her. I need to know that she’s mine completely. Even though it’s too soon.
My cock swells even more, throbbing in her hands as Tanis gasps, “This is the sexiest thing I’ve ever felt.”
Clutching her body to mine, I growl as I spasm into her hand, coming hard all over my stomach while kissing her so harshly I hope I don’t bruise her lips.
“Tanis…baby…” I groan through gritted teeth. I feel her smile again through our never ending, very messy kiss.
Every nerve ending is a live wire as I finish twitching from head to toe, then grow still. When I find my breath, I kiss the tip of her nose. “Back in a second.”
Rushing to the washroom to clean up, I come back with a damp cloth and scrub her hands while she laughs.
Snuggling back into bed with her, I feel blissfully, completely drained.
“That was incredible,” I murmur, as she wiggles under my arm and places her head on the front of my shoulder.
“I think I like feeling you lose control,” she says, her voice becoming slow and soft.
My hands skim
along her back and hip as I hold her pressed tightly against me. “I feel so much for you, sweetheart,” I whisper. “I don’t want to make you nervous, but when it’s time to tell you everything about how I feel about you, there are going to be words like ginormous, truckload, and gargantuan being thrown around.”
I adore her little giggle. “I was thinking the same thing, except for the use of the word gargantuan. I might use something more like monster-sized.”
Nodding, I scrape my cheek against her forehead to feel her little shaking laugh. “Although I agree, I don’t think the word monster is as sexy. No matter. We can fight about that when the time is right.”
Planting a kiss on those perfect lips, I add, “Except we’re never going to fight. We’re going to laugh all of our troubles away, aren’t we, baby?”
“Mmm hmm.” Her fingers are meandering around my shoulder, but they slow and finally grow still as her breathing becomes soft and even.
Feeling my new girlfriend fall asleep in my arms is one of the most heavenly sensations of my life.
It means she trusts me. She’s as into me as I am into her. We belong together.
And as long as I can keep her giggling, continue to encourage her creative expression, and don’t make a single mistake, everything is going to be absolutely smooth sailing.
~ Tanis ~
Waking up snuggling into Felix’s side is a gentle, beautiful way to start the day. I can’t help thinking someday, if everything goes right, this could be how we start every morning.
Imagine it. Never being alone again, and having an incredible man like this at my side at all times. That thought is much too big to think about for now, so I push it back to the corner of my mind to wait a bit longer.
Eventually, the heat of the beam of sunlight warming the room, together with the pressure of my bladder, force me to slip out of his cozy embrace. I throw on my clothes and use the washroom, then go to the kitchen area to put on a pot of coffee.
I remember every step of Felix’s system, but adjust the amounts to make a full pot. I can’t tell if his roommates are home, but endearing myself to them at the very start couldn’t hurt.
As soon as I see the coffee is safely brewing, I pull out two mugs from the open cabinets.
“Hey, could you grab another for me?”
I turn around to see a muscular man in a black tank top and shorts, sliding onto the bench of the picnic table as he grins at me. “You must be Dan,” I say, holding out my hand.
“And I know you’re Tanis.” His bright brown eyes seem to be analyzing my face.
“I guess Felix must have mentioned me?” I ask, sitting at the table and quirking an eyebrow at him while the coffee bubbles and drips.
Dan rolls his eyes dramatically then holds up his hands. “Good grief. The first night you two met at Boho, I didn’t think he’d ever stop raving.”