“It’s your bridal shower. You should relax.”

I give her a soft smile. “I’ll relax when I’m…” I trail off, not willing to say the adage of relaxing when you are dead. My brush with death is all too real and something I hope I never experience again.

Each time I try to help, someone pushes me aside, and I find myself doing odd things around the house. Opening and closing doors when people need to go in and out and helping Livvie and Lois carry food in. Originally, my shower was supposed to be a surprise, but Lois inadvertently sent a text to me instead of Livvie. From that point, I insisted it be at my house. I just didn’t count on my furniture being moved. I wanted a chance to show it off and figured having a housewarming party, and bridal shower would be overkill. I also insisted that this party be for Evan as well. I figured the guys could man the grill, drink a few beers, and have a good time while the wives played silly games and ooh’d over the blender we registered for. The only gift I know Evan’s curious about is whether or not I come away with any new lingerie, which, honestly, I’m hoping not. I can’t imagine opening a nightie in front of my parents.

Justin arrives with a present in his hand. I greet him at the door, kissing him on the cheek. Since we’ve been back, he’s spent more and more time over here. His story saddens me. There have been times when I’ve picked up the phone to call his parents. To ask them what their issue is and why they don’t believe him? Why don’t they believe us? But know deep in my heart, it wouldn’t do any of us any good. They believe he’s dead, and there isn’t anything any of us can do to change that.

“The guys are out back,” I say, pointing down the hall.

“Thanks,” he says, but instead of heading that direction, he veers toward Livvie, where she’s setting up a table. From where I’m standing, I can tell he’s leaning into her, and if I’m not mistaken, her cheeks are flush. I know they spent some time together when Evan and the rest of the team returned because he had Justin guard Livvie and EJ, but by the looks of them now, I’d say something is going on, or maybe I’m a hopeless romantic, and I’m reading too much into a friendly gesture.

Lois calls me into the family room. Everyone I love is standing there, under a sign that reads ‘Mrs. Archer’. My eyes land on Evan’s, his smile beaming, and when he winks at me, my knees go weak.

“Let’s get this party started,” Penny screams out. Only the women join her. The men look very uncomfortable.

“Come on, guys,” My dad says as he motions everyone to leave the room. “There’s cold beer waiting for us.”

“Sit here, Ry,” Livvie says, pulling me toward the seat that’s in the middle of the room. “Now, we know this isn’t a huge party--”

“Everyone who needs to be here, is here,” I tell her. I don’t know if she’s talking about her mom missing or what, but sometimes it's best my future mother-in-law stay home.

“Right, well, let’s get right to the presents. This one’s from me.” Livvie hands me a box and steps back. Of course, I tear at the wrapping paper as fast as I can, rip the lid right off and push away the tissue paper, only to have my mouth drop open when I see the contents. Nestled inside are two dark purple garters. One has the name “Archer” dangling from it and the other a beaded heart. “One is for you to throw, and the other is for you to keep or give to Evan on your wedding night. I figured you’d want as many mementos as possible.”

I stand, not worry about the box and pull her into my arms. “Thank you, Olivia.”

“You’re welcome. I’m just thankful you’ve forgiven me.”

I nod into her shoulder before releasing her. Neither of us has ever brought up the fact that she was not so nice to me when I started dating Nate. I get it. She’s loyal to Evan. I should’ve been also.

The rest of the afternoon is much the same. Sure, the things I had on my registry ended up as gifts, but each of my friends gave me something to remember the occasion. Penny bought my shoes, the pair I had been eyeing for a long time. Lois gave me the most exquisite pair of earrings. While I, in turn, gave my bridesmaids all matching pairs.

“What are those boxes over there?” I ask, nodding toward the pile in the corner.

“Those are for you and Evan to open tonight,” Penny says with an evil glint in her eye. “Each one of us picked something out for you.”