The lead car slows as it nears me, and the grip on the metal handle tightens, and I start to pull the gun out as the somewhat tinted window rolls down. “What’s up, asshole?” Tucker McCoy leans out of the window, laughing and smiling as his car passes by. The truck behind him is Justin “Rask” Raskin with my sister in the last vehicle.

My hand finally relaxes once everyone is out of their cars. The screeching of Ryley turns my attention toward the house where she’s running down the stairs toward Penny. They meet halfway and crash into each other in a fierce hug, and then head into the house without a backward glance. My reservations about moving back here quell when I see how happy Ryley is.

“You missed me so much you had to move back?” Tucker McCoy slaps me on my shoulder. I finally release my grip and bro-hug McCoy. He knows why we are back. It’s not only because of him and his family but also the Clarkes, my sister, Rask, and Raymond “River” Riveria. River’s around, but things haven’t been the same since we rescued Penny. Unfortunately, River fatally shot Frannie, and I don’t care how much damage someone does to you. Shooting your wife has an effect on you that is hard to shake.

“I couldn’t live without your charming good looks.” We both laugh until he steps aside for Rask.

“About damn time. I need more family down here,” he says. His words hit me square in the chest. I’ve often thought about visiting his parents but realize they won’t listen. Their son died as far as they’re concerned, and Rask is an impersonator. Hence one of the reasons I fear there are more players out there trying to bring us down.

“Well, thank Ryley. Moving back was her idea. I’m just along for the ride.”

The guys make room for my sister, Livvie. She hugs me tightly and whispers into my ear, “Thank you for coming back. I’ve missed you, EJ, and Ryley.”

“You’re welcome, Tink.” I kiss her on her cheek, and when she pulls away, she hides her tears.

“Aunt Tink,” EJ yells, getting all of our attention. He rushes down the steps and launches into her arms. Livvie catches him flawlessly and twirls him around in the air. Seeing them together is another reason why moving back was the right decision. EJ needs his family. When I came back, I uprooted him from the life he was accustomed to, thinking I was doing the right thing. I’m not sure if either decision to move to Washington or return to California is what’s best, but I want him to grow up surrounded by people who love him. EJ needs to be a boy, a kid who runs around and plays, gets dirty in the mud, and rides his bike until the sun goes down. He shouldn’t have to worry about who could be lurking in the shadows. That’s my job.

“Not that I want to break up this happy reunion, but these boxes won’t haul themselves into the house.” I point to the small stack I already pulled out and to the trailer. McCoy and Rask each grab a box or two. “Ryley will tell you where they go. She has a system.”

Ryley’s system of packing and unpacking the boxes is unique. Instead of labeling the boxes by room, she numbered them, and if I know her, everything is corresponding inside the house. She swears this will help us unpack effectively.

“I’ll take this one,” EJ says as he squats to lift a box. I watch, waiting to see if he’s going to struggle with the weight, but he seems to lift it like a champ. But I’m still cautious, so I follow him inside with Livvie right behind me.

“It’s good that you’re back.”

“I know,” I tell her. “Things will be different.”

Her heavy intake of breath doesn’t do anything to calm my nerves. There’s tension between her and our mother. They live in a house divided. Livvie is on my side while our mom favors Nate and still feels he should be with Ryley. Never mind that Nate and Cara have been together for a while now, and to my knowledge, Nate hasn’t made any unexpected trips to see Ryley. When he does come visit, Cara is there. Why my mother can’t seem to grasp her sons are with the women they’re meant to be with boggles my mind. However, I do know she’s not shy about sharing her distaste with Livvie, which puts her in an awkward position.

Inside, the house is bustling with noise. It’s not the head-splitting stressfulness that comes with moving, but a sweet sound that I can only liken to happiness and belonging. Ryley’s voice filters through the air, giving direction to all of us. Ryley pauses when she sees me in the doorway. Her mouth quickly morphs into a smile that spreads from ear to ear. Ever so slowly, she moves toward me, never taking her eyes away from mine. I bend, setting the boxes down on the floor so my hands and arms are free to touch her.