He goes down in a flash and before I can aim my gun at anyone else, Henley’s already in action, bringing the other men to their knees.

The man holding Betty lets go, and she stands there, tears streaming from her eyes.

I rush over to her, making sure no one hurt her. “Are you ok?” After disarming my gun and placing it back in its holster, I pull her into my arms. “You’re safe.”

A few minutes later, police sirens fill the air.

“I can’t believe that just happened,” Betty says, crying into my chest. “I saw them at work and tried to get a video of it.”

“Never try to play detective again. You got me? You call me first. You ever have that happen to you, you call me first.” I pull her from my body, staring into her eyes. “You call me. Got it?”

She nods repeatedly. “Yes, I’ve got it.”

I pull her close to my body again, happy she’s safe here with me.

“Betty,” I hear her father call out, and I release my hold on her.

She rushes into the chief’s arms, and I step closer, letting him know what happened here.

The police officers with him get busy making arrests, and before long, the place is roped off and an ambulance has arrived, along with the coroner.

“Silas, I’m sorry we got the situation all wrong,” John says to me.

I stare into his eyes, never looking away, letting him know right here and now what type of man I am. “Yes, you did get it wrong.”

He steps closer. “I got a lot of things wrong.” He holds out his hand. “Thank you for saving my daughter.”

I nod, shaking his hand, my eyes meeting Betty’s blue ones. “I’d do anything for her.”

“You better.”


Another officer approaches me, needing my weapon. He takes me into custody as a formality and will drive me to the station for my account.

Before I go, Betty rushes over to me. “I’ll be waiting for you at our place.”

I smile. “Good girl.”

She rises on tiptoes and kisses me on the lips.

“Make sure she has keys to my place,” I tell Dragon as he comes onto the scene. “And watch her until I get home.”

Dragon nods. “Sure thing.”

I give my girl another kiss before I’m hauled away.



* * *

It’s been three months since the ordeal with Dan West and the shipment of guns. Three whole months of loving Silas Irons.

A few weeks ago, Silas came to me and said he wanted to hand over the Legendary Villains to his brother. He said he wanted to retire, that he wanted to focus his time on me.

Of course I agreed.

He now works part time with me at my store.

Yes, I bought The Hungry Grocer after the whole thing happened. I should have bought it in the first place, but never thought I’d be approved for a loan. However, I got approved, and now I’m the proud owner of the store.

With help from my boyfriend, Silas.

Daddy finally came around.

He was happy Silas saved my life, even happier when Silas left the Legendary Villains, but still hated the fact his baby girl was in love and didn’t need him anymore. Although, a girl will always need her father.

“Honey, I’m home,” I say as I enter our house after a long day at the store.

“We’re out back,” Silas yells through the open patio door.

I can hear the laughter and commotion coming from the backyard and wander in that direction.

The entire lineup of the Legendary Villains sits on my back porch, drinking beer with their past leader, Silas.

I say my hellos, sliding onto Silas’s lap as Henley explains some new app on his phone to the other guys.

“It’s an app that tells you how to spend your money,” he says, pushing his glasses up his nose.

“I know how to spend my money,” Duke says with a laugh. “I don’t need some app to tell me how.”

“It’s for budgeting,” Henley explains, and all the men laugh at his words. Henley tries to explain more, but nobody is listening to him.

“How was your day?” Silas asks me with a kiss.

I wrap my arms around his neck, kissing him fully. “It was great. I hired a new girl to work the register and promoted Jenna.”

His hand slides over my ass. “That’s good.” He trails kisses down my neck, groaning against my skin. “Everybody get the fuck out. Party’s over,” Silas says, removing me from his lap.

I stand. “Silas, they don’t have to leave.”

Silas stares at me with a certain hunger in his eyes. “Like hell they don’t. Get the fuck out.”