Thanks to Finn, the entire fire station knew I’d slept with Reagan and that my dog had found her own breakfast.

That was a fact I wasn’t gonna share with Reagan. I didn’t think she’d be too impressed, and she was already less than happy right now.

Which was why I was standing in the middle of this underwear store, hoping a pair of panties would grow a pair of legs and ask me to buy them.

“Sir? Can I help you?”

I turned at the sound of the voice. The woman behind me had long, curly red hair that was pulled into a ponytail and an inviting smile on her face. She was dressed all in black and had a badge on her shirt that said her name was Roxanne.

Yes, Roxanne. You can help me.

“Yes. Hi. Um.” I rubbed the back of my neck. “I’m looking for some underwear.”

“For yourself?”

I opened my mouth in shock, but she laughed, touching my arm.

“Kidding. For your girlfriend?”

Sure. What the hell. “Yeah, my girlfriend. My dog is kind of an asshole and, uh, made off with her underwear this morning. I’m trying to make it up to her.”

“Ah.” She nodded in understanding. “I’ve heard that one before. What kind of underwear are you looking for?”

How the fuck did I know? I wasn’t paying attention to Reagan’s panties until I had to get her out of them.

“I have no fucking clue,” I admitted.

With another laugh, she guided me toward a stand that held baskets of underwear. She grabbed a few of them and held them up. “Do you know what kind of underwear she wears?”

I said nothing. I may as well have been buying Reagan fucking tampons for all I knew.

“Right. Okay. This is a thong.” She held up a pair with not much fabric to them. “These are—”

“Do you have gift cards?” I was not gonna stand here and learn about the cuts of women’s underwear. That was way more information than I needed to know, and I needed to get home and shower.

It was hot as balls outside and I’d been training in it all day. I probably smelled like I needed a shower, too.

Roxanne laughed and replaced the underwear. “We do. Come on up to the register.”

I blew out a sigh of relief and followed her up there. She showed me the cards, and I picked the simplest one and put fifty dollars on it. I had no idea how much women’s underwear cost, and I figured that this way, she could get a few pairs in case Poosh went wild again.

Assuming she still wanted to sleep with me after this.

If she did, I’d buy her a fucking wall safe to keep her underwear in.

I paid for the card and put it in my wallet with my debit card, thanked Roxanne for her help, and left the store as quickly as I possibly could.

I was never going in there again.

Fucking ever.

I pulled my phone out as I walked to my truck. It was just before three, so I texted Reagan to see if she was at home. There was every chance I was going to lose this gift card, so I wanted to get it to her as soon as possible.

Also, I really needed to apologize in person.

There was something special about Reagan. Something that drew me to her. Despite the weird circumstances we’d met in, I wanted this to go as normally as possible.

My dog eating her underwear fit with the weird circumstances, but not with the ‘normal’ part.

My phone beeped with a new text.

REAGAN: I’m at home. Why?

ME: Can I stop by and talk to you for a minute?

REAGAN: If you’re lucky, you’ll catch Aunt Bethel between bitching fits.

ME: Sounds thrilling. I’ll be there in ten.

REAGAN: I’ll save your ears and wait outside.

I was pretty intrigued by the endless bitching fits from her aunt, but after that one meeting we’d had, I wasn’t too upset to have to miss it.

I turned the key in the ignition and pulled out of the parking lot. It didn’t take me long at all to get across town, and when I parked outside her parents’ house, she was sitting on the top step on her phone. Her hair was piled into a bun on top of her head, and it didn’t look as though she was wearing any makeup.

She looked up and smiled when I got out. “Hey. How was work?”

“Nobody set anything on fire today, so pretty good.” I returned her smile as she stood up and jumped down the last step.

She adjusted the waistband of her yoga pants and stopped right in front of me. “Always a bonus.”

She looked so awkward standing there. Almost like she wasn’t sure if she should touch me or not.

It was an interesting development. The Reagan I’d come to know was strong-willed and outspoken and confident, but this Reagan was shy and hesitant.