She had a point.

I was insanely attracted to Noah, and sometimes, when he looked at me, I got the feeling that he was attracted to me, too.

Maybe I did need to stop being a hypocrite and just ask Noah out.

What was the worst that could happen?


I picked up my phone before putting it back down on the sofa again. I’d been pacing the living room now for ten minutes. Thankfully, nobody else was at home, or they’d have carted me back off to the hospital to be admitted for mental health reasons.

At least that was what Aunt Bethel had threatened when she’d heard me on the phone to Noah until late last night.

I thought she was the one who needed admitting for mental health reasons.

The front door opened. “Mom?”

“She’s not here,” I shouted toward my brother.

“Fuck sake.” The front door closed, and Preston clomped into the living room. “Where is she?”

“Hi, sis. How are you, sis? Good to see you up, sis.”

He pulled me into a one arm hug. “Yeah, yeah, you’re fine. Where’s Mom?”

“I don’t know. I’m not her keeper.” I dropped down onto the sofa and caught my phone before it bounced off. “Why?”

“She didn’t do the order for the store like she was supposed to and she’s not answering her phone.” He huffed and sat down on the ottoman by the fireplace. “I bet she’s shopping. She has to feed you, after all.”

“Hey, asshole, it’s not my fault they have me under house arrest.”

“You had lunch with that guy yesterday and Halley and Ava today. How is that house arrest?”

“I had to beg them to let me out yesterday and I snuck out today.” I flipped my phone and caught it again. “Don’t tell Aunt Bethel that.”

“Your secret’s safe with me.” Preston smirked and leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. “So the guy.”

“Don’t you start as well.”

“What do you mean? You’re my little sister. I’m just looking out for you.”

“No, you’re being a nosy bastard.”

“I’m looking out for you!”

“Preston, you can say it as many times as you like, but it doesn’t make it true.”

He sighed, shaking his head. “Halley already told me who he is. She seems to think you’re gonna chicken out of texting him.”

“I knew you weren’t looking for Mom.”

“I am looking for Mom, but I figured I could kill two birds with one stone by coming here.” He shrugged. “So? Did you ask him out yet?”

I clutched my phone tightly and sunk back into the cushions that were scattered across the sofa.

“I’ll take Reagan’s deafening silence and guilty look for two hundred dollars, Alex.”

“Fuck off,” I muttered, grabbing one of the scatter cushions and hugging it close to me, almost like a barrier between us. “It’s dumb anyway.”

“You already had lunch with him. Why don’t you just do it again?”

“Lunch wasn’t a date.”

“Why are you making this so complicated?” Preston raised his eyebrows. “Since when did you ever give a fuck about—oh. I get it.”

I swallowed. “Get what?”

His lips tugged up in a knowing smile. “You like this guy.”

“He saved my life. I’d be an asshole for hating him.”

“Don’t deflect, Reagan. You know what I mean.”

I groaned, falling over so I was lying on the sofa. “Yes, okay, I like him. He’s funny, and we get along really well. I think we’re becoming pretty good friends and I don’t want to ruin that.”

“How does he feel about you?”

“Probably amused by my endless sarcasm and not too impressed by my ability to ruin his favorite TV show.” I moved to put the cushion beneath my head.

My brother shook his head. “Let me guess. How I Met Your Mother.”

“The characters are seriously problematic!”

“I’m not getting into that again. We’ll be here all evening.” He snorted. “I get why you don’t want to ask him out, but I know you. You’ll kick yourself forever if you don’t, especially if you promised yourself that you’d do it.”

I pursed my lips. I was going to have a chat with my best friend about her big mouth. My brother knew far too much for my liking. “If you’re here to force me into it, you can fuck off.”

“I’m not here to force you to do anything.” He held his hands up. “I’m here to remind you that you’ve never once gone back on your word, and your best friends do have a bet running on you right now.”

Shit. They did, didn’t they?

“That’s hardly my responsibility.” I sniffed and sat back up. “They’re idiots.”

“That’s my girlfriend you’re talking about.”

I blinked at him.

He sighed. “That line only works when you’re not telling the truth, doesn’t it?”

I smirked and nodded once. “Fine. I guess I’ll text him tonight. I want to make sure he’s not working so I don’t go crazy checking my phone every five minutes.”

Preston stared at me.

I stared right back.