REAGAN: This is weird, isn’t it.

It wasn’t a question. It was weird.

ME: Yep. Totally weird.


Crazy Is As Crazy Does

It was always good to know you were on the same page as someone.

For me, it was the hurried goodnight last night after me and Noah both acknowledged it was a weird situation.

It’d been funny in hospital. I was tired and maybe still ever so slightly in shock, but now, a day later, it was just plain weird.

I was attracted to him. Like, attracted, attracted. I didn’t need those panties the girls brought me attracted.

He was hot.

Really. Fucking. Hot.

And my literal dream. I’d once told Halley and Ava that I was holding out for a hot, tattooed firefighter with a rescue chihuahua. I knew Noah had a dog, and if it was a rescue chihuahua…

Well, I’d probably come in my pants.

Actually, there was no probably about it.

I’d come in my pants, then knock the guy out and drug him so he’d marry me.

All right. That was a little extreme.

My attraction to him was purely sexual. I wanted to jump his bones. He was the kind of guy you took home—and he met your mom the next morning.


This was just like me. My life was in pieces, and here I was, thinking about a hot guy.

At least he took my mind off the fact I was lying in bed, not allowed to move, totally fine.

Homeless, yes.

Clothes-less? Pretty much.

Already dreading the inevitable call with my insurance company? Abso-freaking-lutely.

My mom had already handled the first one for me.

I swung my legs out of bed and grabbed the sweatpants the girls had given me yesterday. After that, I pulled on a tank top and threw a light sweater over my head since my mom always kept the thermostat at minus one thousand degrees.

She swore it wasn’t cold in the house, but anytime anyone mentioned it was basically the same as the store, she got offended and gave us The Look.

You know. The one that strikes the fear of a hundred deities into you.

I trudged my way downstairs. Since it was Sunday, the store was closed, but it was early enough that everyone had already gone to Church. They wouldn’t be back for at least an hour and a half—which was more than long enough for Great Aunt Bethel to count the ways I was going to Hell.

I turned on the coffeemaker and refilled the empty beans. It was kind of nice to have the house to myself, especially without everyone fussing over me. I knew Bethel meant well, but she didn’t exactly understand ‘personal space.’

Or any space at all, actually.

At least she’d taken down the poster of noodle-haired Timberlake when I’d asked her.

I made my coffee and sat at the kitchen table, enjoying the silence. I wasn’t thinking about anything other than the rich, hot coffee in the mug in front if me. I wasn’t thinking about the fire or my family or Noah or the fact I’d promised myself I’d ask him on a date if I survived.

Hindsight was a wonderful thing.

When I’d said that to myself, I’d been under immense stress. Life flashing before my eyes kind of stress. It was enough to make me pledge allegiance to a deity I didn’t believe in, never mind tell myself I was going to ask some hot stranger out for a date.

Did I want to go out with him?

Stupid question. I’d seen his penis—not to mention his eyes. Those green eyes of his could drop a nun’s panties to her knees.

It wasn’t a good idea. I knew that. Despite my insistence that I was fine, I knew I needed to recover. I needed to get back to my normal life and find somewhere new to live before I did anything else.

Besides, I didn’t know Noah. Getting to know someone was, of course, the whole point of going on a date, but—

Well, I didn’t want to date Noah.

I just… wanted to sleep with him.

That was a little tidbit I’d keep to myself, of course. If Halley and Ava knew that, I’d never hear the end of it. They’d barely realized who he was yesterday in the hospital before my doctor had stopped by and they had to leave.

I was expecting them to show up after they’d been on their run. I was going to get an earful anyway because of how nonchalant I was?

What was I supposed to do? Scream and shout? I’d already giggled after he’d introduced himself and I’d realized exactly who he was.

I was too shocked to do anything else, so I’d simply pulled the mask on and gotten on with it.

And wondered how soon was too soon to text him.

Was it too soon to text him now?

Oh, my God.

What was happening to me? I was turning into a fucking princess, wasn’t I? The handsome guy swooped in to save the day, and here I was, swooning.