Page 98 of Starstruck

Asher shrugs with a smirk. "Sabrina is wonderful and will always have a place in my heart. Our schedules were just so time consuming."

"So no love for Asher Montgomery?"

"Completely single and looking."

"Well ladies, there you go."

The audience eats it up.

"So new movie. New album. You're back! Touring."

"I cannot wait to get out there and travel. Meet all my lovely fans."

They pan to the audience, focusing on the girls who are shaking with excitement, tears streaming down their faces.

I shut the TV as my phone blows up as the people I love and care about, all watching and hearing this, wondering what's going on.


It All Falls Down


We've missed a lot of time together. A month to be exact.

His birthday.

Valentine’s Day.

His album release party that I don't end up attending.

Rumors swirl, all perfectly timed with the release of his album. If he wasn't already the biggest name in Hollywood he is now.

He's spotted drinking at clubs.

He parties with other well-known celebrities.

There are lots of girls.

But the thing about Asher is he's nice about it. He's upfront - lets me know the plan beforehand. And it's hard to get mad without feeling bad because as he explains it, it's business. He says it's no different than him showing up on a set and acting.

Only this isn't a movie set.

But there are cameras.

Hence my confusion.

I know that seeing him hold someone else's hand makes my heart sink. He'll do that one night and then the next day he's on some morning show, keeping the public guessing and drumming up publicity.

Then it's onto someone new.

After a certain point in the day, right around when he calls me nightly, he turns that business side off. It's just us, talking and laughing, and through it all he's apologetic. He knows how I felt about the Sabrina thing, but says this is different because he doesn't have to pretend to date or even kiss anyone.

Yet so much more is implied.

I have to trust him.

I do.

I pretend to be okay.

I'm not.

When the photos appear they make it look like he had a wild night, yet over the phone he's completely sober.

It's all a game to fool the public and create a perception that isn't real.

I don't know what's more wrong.

With his packed schedule he doesn't have time to come to New York, so he invites me to the Grammy's.

He promises it'll be fun, and that at the end of the day at least we'll get to see each other outside of a computer screen.

I get on a plane hoping for miracles, but deep down I can't shake the feeling that I'm boarding for an in person goodbye.

When I get to his hotel penthouse it's busy. There are people everywhere. I arrive straight from the plane, looking less than ideal. Brad waves from the other side of the room as I enter, and I drop my bag in a bit of shock, not expecting all this. I half-heartedly wave back. He's standing on some platform, his arms spread wide as a tailor works on his tux. I'm about to ask where Asher is when a flat voice interrupts.

"Oh, you came."

I turn around as Mona freezes in her tracks. I narrow my stare, already in no mood.

"Well, yeah. I was invited."

She shakes her head.

"You're intent on ruining his career, aren't you? And here I thought you cared about him," she slowly approaches, shaking her head. "I guess it's time we have this talk. If it's money you're after we can make an arrangement."

"Excuse me?"

"I never thought it would get this far." She says it more to herself as she pinches her nose. Then as she pauses she gets this look. A sly smile. Narrowed stare. "You remember the narrative in Barbados," she pushes her tongue into her cheek. "Deny but make it obvious he's with Sabrina."


"There was more to it. A second option. Did he ever tell you?"

I shake my head, unsure of where this is going or if I should even believe it.

"He needed to have someone who had the potential to tame his image. Make him appear more accessible. Someone like you. We weren't sure how anything was going to play out so we needed a backup."

I don't say anything. She gives me a look, like why am I not mad. But Asher and I had - have - a true connection, and he said he recognized me. She's trying to get under my skin.

"You're just another pawn."

I roll my eyes, knowing that's not true. "You don't scare me."

"I'm not trying to," she sighs. "I'll admit I certainly didn't think it would go this far, or that he would choose someone so difficult."

"You don't know what you're talking about." I refuse to let her of all people get to me.

"See that's the thing. I do. I know years ago he tried to find some girl he became obsessed with. Someone he met briefly. Who do you think convinced him to let it go?"