“The other day, I went scuba divin-,” the beep interrupts him again. “Do you need to get that?”
“No, I’m so sorry,” I grab my phone and switch it to silent, cursing myself for not doing so earlier.
He starts yet again, and then a loud buzz vibrates the entire coffee table, causing us both to jump. Then before I can stop him he grabs my phone.
“It’s your mum. Who’s Elle?” he scrolls through my messages and all I can do is stare in shock. Asher Montgomery has my phone. How is this real? “She wants to know how the interview went. What shall I tell her? I think it's going fairly well...” I quickly reach out and grab my phone before he can read anything embarrassing, like all about my undying love for him.
“Elle is my nickname,” I quickly text her back before shutting off the phone entirely. “Do you always grab stranger’s phones?”
“No,” he crosses his arms, highly amused.
“You were saying you went scuba diving and…?"
When he doesn’t respond I look up, wondering what the hell is going on. He’s resting his back against the couch, his hands clasped together in front of him, noticeably pleased. I offer a questioning look, which immediately prompts his next question.
“Are you a fan of mine?”
“No.” I answer a little too quickly. “I mean, I like your… work, but I’m not like, you know, a crazy-obsessed fan or anything.”
I mean, who would actually admit to that anyway?
“You know my age."
“What?” I feel my face getting hot. This interview is not going at all the way I rehearsed in my mind. I mean first of all I’m supposed to be the one asking the questions... and he’s supposed to answer them! The end.
“When you insulted me on my choice of roles,” he prods, crossing his arms. “You knew my age.” I narrow my stare. It’s clear he’s enjoying this, which actually really starts to piss me off. Does he like making people feel uncomfortable?
“I know these things for work."
“What’s my favorite color?” he goads.
“I don’t know,” I make a face.
Blue. I know it’s blue - baby blue to be exact.
“I think you’re lying,” he uncrosses his arms and legs and leans forward. God he's close. I can't ignore his clean scent as it travels up my nose, and I know that's trouble, so I close my eyes and cower back. I’m not going to give him the satisfaction.
“Not everyone knows everything about you."
“Come on, Elle, you know exactly what my favorite color is,” he uses my nickname, which makes me both want to swoon and smack him.
Liar. You just want to hear him say it again.
“Well bloody hell, you do,” his smile is so wide that I instantly hate him. And somehow love him even more.
“Despite what you may think the world doesn’t revolve around you,” I sit up a little straighter, feeling on fire. He’s just like Travis, playing with people’s emotions, but for some reason, unlike with Travis, I feel empowered to correct him, like it matters.
“Oh come on, I’m not like that. I was just wondering if you’re a fan.” His foot bumps mine, and I can’t help my smile. It’s uncontrollable. “I just want to know if you’re aware that my favorite color is..."
Oh god he's getting even closer.
The heat of his gaze is mesmerizing. Another few inches and his lips could brush mine, and I'm so confused on if I even want that to happen or not... or if any of this is even real. I mean this has to be a dream, right?
“Blue.” I whisper, immediately hating myself.
“I knew it!” his body snaps back as he claps his hands, gleefully beaming. I let out the breath I didn’t know I was holding. Of course he wouldn't kiss me, how stupid!
I clear my throat, composing myself. “It doesn’t mean I’m some crazy fan because I’m not,” I quickly add.
His expression suddenly turns serious as he locks eyes with mine.
“I like the color brown too,” he winks, and I stop breathing.
Um, what just happened? Halt the presses; did he just hit on me? Or is he making fun of me? I can’t tell, but my heart starts uncontrollably thudding, like it’s going to jump out of my chest. I’m sure if I looked in the mirror I'd have that deer in headlights thing going on. I mean part of me is definitely eating this up, yet at the same time I can’t help but wonder if he does this with everyone, and I literally can’t tell if he’s serious or not.
“Hello? Can you not take a compliment?”
“That’s a terrible line,” I cringe. “Surely you can do better than that? Although I’m sure you've never had to.”
He clears his throat, ultimately ignoring my jab, and I narrow my stare, noticing him fidget the tiniest bit.