But hello, job to do!
I seize the moment while I still have his complete attention.
“What do you hate most about girls, or what’s something you don’t understand about them?”
“I don’t understand why they can’t answer simple questions when asked,” his voice grows stern, the green in his eyes further illuminating the already bright room, and I’m so stuck on them, and he notices. He raises his stupidly perfect eyebrows, waiting for some sort of response, yet instead we get caught staring.
“Why are your eyebrows so perfect?” I blurt, and he suddenly roars with laughter.
Oh god I can’t believe I just said that out loud!
“Um, sorry, they’re just not natural!” I shake my head, attempting to save my idiocy, all while completely cringing inside.
Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!
He’s still laughing as he lifts his hand and rubs it until it smears. “I was shooting very early this morning,” he holds up his finger to show me the dark makeup before wiping it on his shorts. It makes a funny noise and I realize he’s wearing a bathing suit. I wonder how he’ll manage to go to the beach or pool without being harassed. Nevertheless I scratch my head, embarrassed by my bluntness. I really need to stick with the questions on my paper.
“What do you hate about guys, Elle?” he demands, and I pause. "Truthfully."
I swallow hard as I study his face. I seem to get more answers out of him the more I answer.
Okay, here goes.
“I hate it when I have to beg a guy for romance, or when I'm on a date, or anywhere for that matter, and he blatantly checks out other girls. It’s just rude!” I realize I’m talking a little too loudly, so I quickly look around to see if anyone else heard. Tight-haired lady is no longer around, and I faintly make out the side of the security guard on the balcony, and oh god did I really just admit all that to Asher Montgomery?
“That’s happened to you?” he inches forward, draped with concern.
“Yes, and I’m pretty sure it happens to a lot of girls."
“Wow,” he leans back in shock, like this is the worst thing he’s ever heard.
The woes of a celebrity!
“I’ll live,” I shrug.
“Are you still with the person who behaves in such a manor?”
I can’t help but laugh. It’s his accent. He sounds so proper, and yet as he impatiently waits for my answer I know I won't tell him the truth. He's obviously ready to judge, and rightfully so I suppose. Why would anyone stay with someone who doesn't make them happy? Right now it makes sense. Key phrase being right now. But I have to remember this is fleeting. Asher Montgomery's glamorous life and random conversation is not here to stay. I'll soon walk out those doors and back to my life. Everything will return to the way it was, for better or worse, and nothing will change.
“I’m not,” I lie, looking away. “I’m single.”
Why did I push it? Why did I volunteer information that’s not even true?
“I’m sorry,” I quickly add. “That’s irrelevant.” I look down at my list of questions and return to topic, knowing I have one specific question I must ask. In fact my job and the ultimate success of this interview depends on it. “Um, so fans want to know if you’re dating your co-star, Sabrina Wilson?”
“Fans or you?”
I roll my eyes.
Both, obviously.
“We’re... friendly."
“What kind of answer is that?”
God what a typical celebrity non-answer.
“Are you questioning my answers now?” he smiles.
“I don’t know,” I sigh. I don't know what the hell is going on! This has to hold the record for the weirdest interview ever.
“Well I suppose it’s better than putting words in my mouth like what’s her name?” he thinks. “Amelia, is it? This is the publication she works for, is it not?” he refers to my annoying boss, and I can't believe he knows who she is!
“Out of all the many people you meet you remember Amelia?” I’m shocked and talking with my hands, making large gestures, yet smiling at the irony of it all.
He thinks she's obnoxious too.
“I have a great memory. I remember everyone I meet, especially those who make an impression,” he glances my way. “Can I keep this?” he holds up the magazine and I nod.
“I’ll be sure to tell her she’s made such an impression. She’ll be thrilled.” I rest my elbow on the side of the chair.
“Her?" he shakes his head. "No. I saw her name on the inside cover and it rang a bell from back in the day, along with the magazine,” he stands, placing it on the bar. "I was talking about you." My arm immediately slips off the chair and he chuckles as he returns to the couch. “Look, I’m not dating Sabrina… anymore, but we have to be together a lot for the movie. It’s a strange business and at times certain things need to be insinuated, if you know what I mean. I'm supposed to play coy. We have a contract to be seen certain ways together in public. It's complicated. Put that she's a good friend and that we have a lot of fun together, and then let's drop it.”